Can a man be perfect or blameless?

The perfection of a man is love.

If a man cannot be perfect, scripture will not say, “Be ye perfect…”

Perfection is what defines blamelessness and uprightness. We will see men in scripture that lived a perfect life. A perfect life is a life that has been able to suppress the pull and drag of flesh. However but in all of these, the men whom God has used an example to us, never compromised their stand in God, which implies, perfection is of God, not of man. When we allow God to take the drive in our life, we will live a perfect and upright life.

Scripture in Genesis 6: 9 stated that Noah was a just, perfect in his generations and this was because he walked with God. You cannot have God who is righteous and upright living inside of you (John 17: 23) and you will not be upright. Job was also a perfect and just man and this was because he feared and revered God and as result of this, he shunned evil, because he knows evil to him is an unwelcoming task unto God (Job 1:1). You cannot have a God who is perfect in knowledge with you and you will not be perfect and upright (Job 36: 4).

Matthew 5: 48

Therefore, you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.

You cannot be perfect when you are still selfish, because if you are selfish, you cannot let go that thing that will keep not in perfection. Perfection is without the weight of this world and lusts is the greatest weight that will never make a man to attain perfection.

It is so unfortunate that we are living in a generation where the perfect (light) has come, but we are still dwelling in the part, because of our self-gain motives (1 Corinthians 13: 10). Because of our motives, when we say, “Old things have passed away and behold, all thing have become new”, we will still end up returning back to those things we know for sure are old, because we know if we do away with them, we will not get some benefits apart from the blessings of God. We choose the blessings of men, because we would always want men to come under our grip. If a particular ideology is part, we need to get the whole, and in the whole, we will get the full revelation wherein there is perfection. God’s Word is so perfect, such that if we use a particular scripture for our selfish intention, He will certainly expose the mole, with time, when the eyes of the people becomes open to knowledge.

Lie is a mole, until you trace it is properly, with its seed destroyed with perfect truth; it will certain wreck the entire system as it will affect the dynamics contrarily.

Perfection is not in faith and hope, but in the greatest of the triplet, called love and God is love.

Man must function in faith, the church which is the union of men, must function in hope, because in hope is faith and the church without stain, wrinkle or blemish must function in level. All these are dimension of advancement, because the first term in the sequence that calls forth faith has to do with our relationship with the God who is perfect and true and this relationship is what guarantees our confession of who He is, which connects us to hope of glory to fully declare the testimony of Jesus, which is the spirit of prophesy (Isaiah 9: 6), where the true church will now in due time declare who Jesus truly is, as John 3: 16 will have its revelation hinged on 1 Timothy 2: 5 and 6 and we will know that the Son that God gave, was only a symbolism of the man Christ Jesus who gave Himself as a ransom for all men, but this truth was kept for the right and proper time and that is why it is called the testimony of the saints of God.

The PowerPoint of every man that will be presented perfect is Christ, by this I mean, every man must be presented perfect in Christ Jesus (Colossians 1: 28) and we need to know that there is a working which works in us mightily to perfection and that working is the grace of God.