Perfection is not law based, but love based and perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4: 18) and it is only what God has given us that can casts out fear and what He has given is faith (2 Timothy 1: 7) that exist as power, love and sound mind.

Love is the law of the spirit and for those who walk in the law of the spirit cannot be condemned, because there is no condemnation for them, and for this reason, they are in Christ Jesus and walk not according to the law of sin and death, but according to the law of life (Romans 8: 1- 2).

Love is the law of life in Christ Jesus that counters the law of sin and death and it is this law of sin and death that seals up the wages of sin, but the law of life in Christ Jesus, seals up the gift of God that makes mercy to prevail against judgment. Perfection can only be in the knowledge of God and love is the knowledge of God above every other thing that would want to exalt self in the place of God to make it feel one can keep the commandment of God. If you have ever sin, you have not kept the commandment of God and this implies, it is not in your effort to keep the commandment of God, it is simply in your obedience to the perfect will of God and it is His will that will guide and help you to keep His commandment, else, there is nothing you can do. The knowledge of God is Christ and Christ is love (1 John 4:8).

It is the mind of God that we are completely preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD, which can only be possible when we are diligent in the gospel (peace), preaching the very truth of God’s Word and the truth will confirm us unto the end (1 Corinthians 1: 8).

What does it mean to be blameless in this world of imperfection?

What it means to be blameless in this world of imperfection is, holding unto the integrity of the Word of God by totally depending on the LORD alone.

The wisdom of God entails the preaching of Christ alone and it is wisdom if He is the one we preach, warning every man to repent of their evil ways and teaching every man to be perfect in Christ. If you want to be perfect, you must give up completely the lusts of this world (Matthew 19: 21), because it is the gravity that gravitates our desire to doing things that are sinful to God and that is why we can hardly be faithful to the right course.

The journey of faith in God is a journey to perfection and we must go on, to perfection.

Hebrews 6: 1

Therefore, leaving the discussion of the elementary principles of Christ, let us go on to perfection, not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead work and of faith toward God.

Our major problem with religious believers of Christ who are dogmatically driven is that, they don’t want to grow to maturity; but would prefer staying to the elementary principles of Christ like mindset, so they get stuck in the knowledge that they are Christians, but don’t even understand what it means to be Christocentric, so they stay back on these;

1. Doctrine of repentance

2. Doctrine of faith toward God

3. Doctrine of baptism

4. Doctrine of laying on of hands

5. Doctrine of resurrection of the dead and

6. Doctrine of eternal judgment

But it is so unfortunate that when we keep talking doctrines, we fail to understand that the doctrine of resurrection of the dead, connects us beyond just being alive in our dogmatic ideologies, because if we are called out of the world, then we must be dead to the world and this implies, we are called to glory to live in glory. What does this mean? It simply means, if I am Patrick when I am alive, when I die, I will become late Patrick. Did you get it? This implies, if Christ died for us all, He died that we may live, but we must also die to flesh to truly live, because flesh is the negative current of self in the heart and God cannot live in the flesh, but in the spirit and with this, you will now understand why we are called the temple of the Holy Spirit.

There is a vast distinction between, Christianity and true Christianity and I pray the LORD will bring you to the level of revelation.

The wisdom of God reveals that we can do nothing of our own and if we must strive, then it must be in accordance to the working that works in us mightily (Colossians 1: 28- 29).

Perfection in the wisdom of God means maturity. The problem with our generation is that we teach philosophy of the knowledge of Christ (Religious beliefs) and preach dogmas, not Christ, because in reality the teaching of Christ is what defines the preaching of the gospel. Preaching the gospel is simply positively reaching out to lost souls and winning them back to Christ by the gospel of truth that makes us partakers of the inheritance of the saint in the light that has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love (Colossians 1: 12, 13).