Our divine nature is hidden in the heart of grace with truth as AND, such that when the nature is righted, we will have our spiritual genetic code. By the grace of God, I will be presenting some basic revelation as pertaining reality and from this revelation, it will be clearly stated that, our DNA bond must have the Pentalph (A, B, C, D and E), where science in the anti-parallel dynamics has design a Pentalph running in different direction as the deoxyribose, where DNA is called Deoxyribonucleic Acid, but they claim only four different nucleotides units comprise DNA, what about the fifth?

Remember they talked about the five-carbon sugar called Deoxyribose, but they removed the heart of the reality, which is the fifth and faith is that fifth. Therefore, faith is the power (life force) of divinity in the heart of humanity. Therefore, science removed the life force of reality, to leave four, which represents number of evil that the base of the cross will destroy.
