When something is with something and that which is with something decides to leave, it becomes without the thing. God is the heart of our existence and He is light, but Satan becomes a thought without the thought of God the moment he had a thought against the thought of God, and eventually dragged man into the state of thought. Therefore, it now appeared as if in our heart, there is no God.

A thought without the light is simply the drive of the frequency of darkness. The devil is that thought without the light, which defined as the contrary of the reflection of God’s life making things are good evil. It will interest you to know that your thought is who you are even as you have thought. Moreover, in reality, your thought is the body of your spirit, which is the authentic design of your identity, but acts as the current of God’s life in your physical body, which by the grace of God as I proceed to divulge this truth, I will make clearer some basic reality about what thought is.