Lord Eion's Downfall

"NO! NO! NO! NO!" Eion screamed to the empty room. "THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!" He continued to yell as loud as he could.

"I had heard that they were just a legend, that they did not exist. They must be the Draygun from the old stories. It seems they really do exist, and the kingdom really is aligned with them." Eion began to pace the room in agitation. "What am I going to do?" He growled through clenched teeth. "Without them I would have won, without them I might still stand a chance."

Eion stomped across the room back to the basin so he could look in upon the battle once more. His army was a mere fraction of what it once was, but if he could somehow get rid of the Draygun he might still stand a chance.

"That's it!" He said beaming. "I just need to get rid of them, send them away, I can do that no problem."

Eion took a small silver dagger from his leather belt and pricked his finger, with the blood he smeared a circle onto the back of his left hand. He then began to surround the outside of the circle with miniature runes. He immediately felt the power surge through his body from the binding spell he had just drawn. He stood up to his full height of five foot five and held his left hand above the basin.

"Take these creatures that interfere, send them somewhere far from here, take these monsters that come unbidden, send them away to be hidden, send them where they can fight no more, unfound for years and years more." Eion chanted maniacally over the basin, his face twisted with insanity. But as soon as his words finished the magic took effect, one by one every one of the flying creatures that so decimated his forces disappeared from view. The showers of lightning, fire, and ice mixed with the gales of wind stopped almost instantly. The battle returned to being that of human versus human, and Eion laughed with glee as he saw that his men might still stand a chance.

"Yes, yes, yes," he squealed happily, "we might win this still, those mindless stumps in my army may be good for nothing else than blindly following orders but that is all I need right now. And I guess it doesn't hurt that they're doing it less at my bidding and more at my casting since they couldn't ignore a request of mine even if they wanted to, not with that spell on them all."

"Oh Eion, Eion, Eion, it seems you're slipping these days, are you becoming complacent?" A voice spoke from behind Eion causing him to spin around with a look of shock and terror on his face, after all, there were supposed to be guards at the door stopping anyone from coming in.

"Who the hell are you? And how did you get in here past my guards?" Eion's voice shook slightly as he spoke. The man standing before him was tall, golden, and terrifying. He must have been well over six feet tall, as he towered over Eion. His hair was a golden blond with bronze highlights. His eyes were a bright vivid green, and his skin was a handsome gold. His whole appearance screamed powerful and alpha. His whole appearance made Eion hate him on sight, not just because he seemed to have snuck into his private quarters and startled him, but this man personified everything Eion wished he was.

"Don't worry about them Eion, they're perfectly fine, I just put them to sleep for a bit that's all." The man seemed amused as he spoke to Eion.

"I'd have rather you killed them, it would save me the trouble of doing so later, and please do address me properly, it is Lord Eion. And you still haven't answered why you are in my private quarters peasant."

"Oh yes, I am quite aware of what they call you Eion, but I simply do not care for your made-up title, we both know you are no Lord, so I see no reason to bother with improper titles." The man smiled as he spoke because he could see the rage growing in Eion's eyes.

"Do not speak to me so familiarly you worthless dog, you are in the presence of greatness, and I will not stand for being disrespected in my own quarters."

"STOP CALLING THIS CABIN YOUR QUARTERS!" The man bellowed at Eion. "We both know that you only took over this cabin after you murdered the elderly couple that lived here, they were just the latest in your trail of victims." The man was breathing hard and anger rolled off him in palpable waves.

"They had no other use for me, anyone who has nothing to offer me in worthless, it was nothing personal, I've done it many times before." Eion tried for a light, if not mocking, tone.

"Oh, trust me Eion, I know."

"I have asked you to call me by my proper title you wretch, you are not worthy of forgoing my title or status in this world." Eion's anger seethed and boiled even hotter than before.

"And I told you I will not call you by a title that you gave yourself, you're not worthy of my respect you worthless piece of rat shit."

"WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" Eion screamed.

"I called you a piece of rat shit, I would have called you horse shit but you're far too small for that, I honestly feel like I should have chosen something smaller now, like perhaps a piece of bug shit." At this Eion's face went red with a mixture of anger and humiliation.

"You have no idea who you're dealing with do you? You're nothing but a lowly peasant with dreams of grandeur but this lack of respect for authority is going to cost you your life all because of your stupidity and arrogance." Eion tried to keep his voice steady and to cool the blush from his face, he failed at both.

"Do you honestly think you scare me Eion? I know exactly who you are and what you are capable of, the problem is you know nothing of me and that has you shaken, you're positively quivering in your boots right now, aren't you?" The man continued to grin as he taunted Eion.

"How dare you speak to me this way. I will not stand for it. Tell me who you are this instant, so I know what name to have the guards carve on your headstone before I kill them too." Eion paled behind his blush as he threatened the large, intimidating intruder before him.

"Oh Eion, I'm touched, you would really give me a headstone, that's awfully sweet of you considering you don't usually extend that kind of courtesy to the people you kill." The anger in the man's voice was growing again even as he fought to keep it in check.

"That's because I intend to use you as a warning for any others who might dare to oppose me, your name will go down in history as the fool who challenged the great Lord Eion and w--"

"Don't make me laugh Eion, the only one of us going down in history is you, you're going to be infamous for trying to take over the world, only to be murdered by the son of one of your victims. You will be the reminder, but it will be a reminder for what happens when someone attempts to overthrow the kingdom." The grin on the man's face was looking maniacal now, he fought to control the anger that poured off him in waves by plastering on a grin he knew would upset Eion more.

"What son of one of my victims, I always make sure to kill the entire family when I stop for one of my rests so you're mistaken on how I will die, peasant. My army has almost defeated the kings. I will win this day, I will rule."

"No, Eion, it is you that is mistaken, for there was at least one family that you did not completely destroy, my sister and I made it out alive when you attacked our farm. You came in the evening one night about eight years ago, this was when you were just getting started so you did not have the big entourage that you do now, actually it was just you and four or five other men at the time. You barged into our home uninvited, but luckily our father heard you coming and was trying to hide us, my oldest sister and mother did not make it in and my father knew he could not hide or it would be too suspicious, my sister, Livia, and I watched through the cracks in the floor as you butchered our father, violated our mother and sister, Maria, before killing them as well. You stole our food, father's belongings, and the horses in our barn. Livia and I hid under the floorboards all night to make sure you were not coming back. Livia was never the same, but she has found a place in the world, she was livid with me when I started following you and your army, she believed I was out of my mind and would get myself killed. But you see, I knew what I was doing, I trained with your army, learned the ins and outs, since I was twelve years old I have been doing my research, eight years now I have tracked your every move, learned your every habit and was biding my time until I had the perfect opportunity to attack. And, as you can see, tonight is the night, and this is that opportunity."

"Like I would give you the chance to get close enough to me you peasant." Eion tried to laugh but it was quickly stifled with a yelp of surprise.

The man leapt forward with a gleaming object in each hand. He carried twin silver daggers with emeralds glowing on the hilts and an image of crashing waves carved on the blades. He reached Eion in a flash and stabbed a dagger through each hand. Quickly grabbing another less ornate dagger and putting it against the small quivering man's throat.

"See, you are quaking in fear Eion, just like I said." He spoke calmly, almost at ease. "I will be the last face you see Eion, I will be the end of you, just like you were the end to my family."

"You will pay for this." Eion squeaked out through his clenched teeth.

"No Eion, I don't think I will." The man looked to the side into the basin after he spoke, his grin grew noticeably more pronounced. "And isn't this just fitting Eion, your army has lost any way, so it was all for nothing, you would have been ruined anyway."

Eion followed the man's gaze the best he could without cutting his throat on the dagger pressed firmly against it. The man was telling him the truth. Eion's army was down to almost nothing and the king's army seemed to be almost as plentiful as when they started. Eion once again flushed with anger even as he paled, again creating an odd sickly look on his face.

"Who are you?" Eion squeaked out. "What is your name?"

"My name is Kail Jeffries, and now it is time for you to die." The man answered as he drew his knife across Eion's throat.