Alpha Point Of View
Cyline was very talkative, Earlier she told a story about her fiancee.
Even if I don't ask her to tell the story, she still tells the story.
I thought she might want me to get jealous of because they love each other.
Eh, i aren't, why? Jack and I also love each other and Jack is so sweet to me.
Recess now, I would like to call Effren to get Cyline away from me first because little by little I'm really going to pissed off, she doesn't look like a mouth but MICHAEL. She always saying the name Michael, maybe her fiancee name.
He really keeps saying that THEY WILL BE MARRIED SOON and then THEY LOVE EACH OTHER
eh, where's my care first?
I regret that I helped Cyline, that's the noise I made, I'm still irritated by the noisy ones.
Cyline and I are already here in the canteen to buy our food but I want to get away from that Cyline first.
I don't know how much I'm upset with her then when she mentions the name MICHAEL I think of Jack.