Todd stood in the aside that had lamps up and down it on both sides. He was having trouble deciding what one he liked best. He had brought his decision down to two. One was a lamp that had a stained glass lamp shade with what looked to be a base made with ironworks. The other looked simple with a plain white lamp shade with which you can put a design on which had a blue base.
"Just get both," said Annette as she appeared out of no where.
Todd tries not to jump from being startled by Annette. "I think we should have you wear a bell, Annette," said Todd.
"But where's the fun in that? It's kinda funny tobsee you get startled," said Annette with a laugh. She gives Todd's cheek a light pinch. "Now put both lamps in the cart."
"But Annette you said that you only have a set amount of money to spend for the day."
"Todd, I know what I had said. Besides I found a coupon in my purse for lamps."
"What kind of coupon?"
"By one, get one half off. So get them both, okay?"
Todd could tell that no matter how much he would have argued, Annette was firm on her answer. He takes the two boxes off of the shelves and puts them in the cart. "So where to next?"
"Next we will get you a new bed. The dresser you can still use but I'll need your help to move things into your new room. I've noticed that your old room was a bit cramped for space. Then we will buy some paint if we need too."
"Let me see the room first before we paint the room, okay?"
"That's fine. Now let's go find you a new bed." Annette pushes the cart down the aside and proceeded towards the direction where the beds were.
Todd wasn't paying attention where he was going. As he turns the corner, Todd ends up bumping into someone. He hears someone squeak in surprise followed by a box falling to the floor. Todd looks to see who he had bumped into.
"Sorry about that," said Todd. He had ended up bumping into a young girl that was about the same age as Todd appeared to be in his human disguise.
"Todd?!" The young girl asks in shock.
Todd helps girl to her feet. "Do I know you?" Todd asks.
"Todd it's me, Sarah. Don't you remember me?" Sarah had on a nice shirt with a floral design, which had hibiscus flowers on it, and a pair name brand jeans. Lucky Jeans which Todd assumed at first glance.
"Sorry your name doesn't ring a bell." Todd hands the box back to Sarah, which was a box of light bulbs.
"It's alright. The last time we had seen each other was back when we were ten years old." Sarah takes the box back from Todd.
"Who knew such a nerdy little kid grew up to be such a handsome man. So what have you been up to all these years?"
"I'd prefer not to talk about it right now. I'm busy shopping with Annette and would like to get done here soon. I've had an eventful day so far."
"Give me just a second..." Sarah sets the box of light bulbs down. She pulls out a pen and a piece of paper out of her purse. She writes down her phone number on the piece of paper and hands it to Todd. "Give me a call when you want to catch up." Sarah picks up the box of light bulbs. "Later Todd," said Sarah as she heads the other direction of the aisle.
Todd shakes his head. Human interactions can be either good or bad. He could tell that Sarah is a good person but last thing she needs is to form a romantic relationship with a demon. He could handle guiding more than one soul to Hell when the time comes but for the time being, he was content with dealing with Annette. Todd rounds the corner of another aisle and finds Annette in the display area, looking at beds. "Annette remember you said you had a budget to spend today," said Todd as he stops next to Annette.
"I know. By the way, who were you talking too?"
"A girl by the name of Sarah. She said she knew me when we were kids."
"She was one of your friends when you were kids. She was so distraught when she found out you would never be able to come back after that day all those years ago." Annette turns to look at Todd. "But that is all in the past now. You're here and things will be better. I don't plan on telling your father anytime soon that you are here. Last thing I need to have happen is get into another argument with him. Our relationship is strained enough as it is."
"As for now, let's focus on finding me a bed. We still need to get home and plant those tulip bulbs like you wanted too."
"Todd we still have a good month and a half before the first frost happens. We have time. It's September now. I won't forget about the tulip bulbs. Don't worry."
Todd and Annette spend the next two hours arguing over what kind of bed that Todd needed for his room. So far, as Annette has proven, life is never dull with her.