Chapter Ten

Kotoko and Joey both turned around to be greeted by their friend from America, Christine Robbins. "Chris!" Kotoko squealed jumping into Chris's opened arms. Joey watched as the two friend hugged happily, as he smiled at the two a hand laid upon his shoulder.

Joy turned to see a grinning Mr. Robbins, "Sir what are you doing here?" He asked as the two girls stop hugging and turn to them.

"I came because Mr. Oizumi invited me. Why else would I be here?" The Old man laughed, he gave Joey a rough pat on the back that caused him to lurk forward in pain. Mr. Robbins cupped Kotoko face and smiled joyous.

Kotoko smiled as she placed her hands over his "How is my favorite designer?" He asked whiled Kotoko welcomed the man, who once scared her senseless, comforting hands.

"I am alright Uncle. How are you?" The man gave a hearty laughed as his side off her face and back to his pocket.