Today's nap

Who can sleep again after seeing a nightmare like that? It’s 4 AM, I took off my wet, sweaty clothes and went to get a shower in the bathroom. The hot water runs through all my body, but I couldn’t relax. It keeps playing in my mind and, it won't run off soon.

I went to my closet and look at what will suit today’s mood. Black it is. I don’t have many colors in my wardrobe anyway, and I don’t want to. I care little to impress someone with clothes. I grow up in a fashionable family, so without putting much effort into it, I know what to wear. Plus, it’s fun to tease the jealous girls with my outfits. Not all brands, but I have the great taste they don’t. I don’t care; I like to tease.

I straight my hair, not looking at the mirror. A ponytail and no makeup don’t require a mirror. At the time I reach downstairs, the maids just woke up and got ready for the day.

“Miss Sarah, do you want me to make you breakfast?” one maid asks, and I shook my head to her before I went out.

It’s five and a half in the morning. It still dark, and few people walking the street to get to their work. I stand at the station, waiting to catch the bus coming after minutes.

The high school was empty. I should not be there now but, the guardians here fear the rich kids, and it plays to my advantage. I won’t do a thing if they say no but glad they never did. Passing by the gates to the hallways, it was dead silence. I love it like that. It's peaceful and calming.

I went to class and straight to the last table in the room. What? Yes, my rank is the first at school but, that doesn’t mean to sit in front and smile to the teachers. I never had a proper class for so long. I don’t sleep well because I wake up from time to time by the students’ voices. But napping is better than not sleeping. At least, I don't get nightmares here.


Two hours later;

“OOOOH, did you get to see how awesome they all look?”

“They’re the richest bachelor of all Chicago, and no one knows a thing about there families.”

"F. A are music and dance geniuses. Artist dies to work with them."

“I heard that they leave school and come back whenever they desire.”

“That’s so cool; I am dying already.”

“Do you know that we will have two of them as classmates?”

“This year will be heaven for us.”

Those girls gossiping! They can speak with the highest pitches a human can reach, but the blame on the earphones that fall from my ears. They can even beat Rock music with their noise. Who the hell these guys they are talking about with such this excitement and joy?

Class starts, and I must listen to this boring lesson now that my beauty sleep has ended. The English teacher gets in with two boys. The second those boys step on the door entrance, the girls whisper and getting enthusiastic. So, those two were the reason for the fangirling earlier. Typical rich stupid girls, they’re always after looks. How dumb can they get more than this? I looked at the boys, and they don’t even seem to care about anyone. I guess with their looks; they may be used to clingy girls. It’ll be fun to see them running away from my classmates in the future.

“Good morning class, we have two new students,” His eyes diverted to me. “Oh, look what we have here. Sarah is not sleeping, so happy about that”. I wanted badly to tell him he doesn’t fit on sarcasm, but I only rolled my eyes and turn my head to the window.

“So, kids, these guys are older than you, and I guess you all know why so, I require you don’t bother them,” The girls giggled. What a piece of weird advice to give to teenage girls? He faked a cough and look at the guys next to him, “Anyway, introduce yourself guys.”

“Oh, ah, hello, guys. My name is Adam White. I should’ve been a senior a long time ago, but I was studying other things in LA, and I studied at home for a bit now. I hope we can get along together,” He said with a small smile showing dimples.

The guy is tall, has long brown hair that reaches his shoulder, and from his accent and dressing style, he’s an English guy. And he’s the smiley one. The other guy is a jet black short-haired and slightly shorter, but he’s full muscles—no smile on his face. A poker and straight face, he’s kipping.

“Aren’t you going to introduce yourself?” The teacher asked, looking at the guy. But all he gets silence as a response. “Cool, we have another Sarah in the class,” the boy and I rolled our eyes at the same time. At least he won’t be putting much attention on me in the future.

“My friend here is Noah Hunter,” The English guy introduces his friend and the girls in the class gasp. Why they gasped? “He’s not quite a talker so, excuse him.” He tells the teacher, and the last nodded in response.

“Well, you two take the only and no longer going to be vacant seats next to Sarah,” He pointed at the two seats in my right hand with an amusement voice. Well, damn it, teacher, always getting on my nerves. With my threatening aura, no one dared to sit at my surroundings, and I was thankful for that. Now, there is no place vacant in the classroom, I must share the surrounding oxygen, and I hate that.

On their way to their seats, the two boys had their eyes fixed on me. I could’ve ignored it, but, weirdly, I was drowning in their eyes. They have a unique aura that, for the first time, brings me a curious feeling about them. I shoved it away and got back to the view from the windows.

The class was boring as hell. Mr. Smith was talking about how to write an essay, like who the hell don’t know? Oh, I forgot the entire class.

I took my way to the rooftop when the bell rang. Couples were eating each other faces instead of eating the food in the cafeteria. At least, no one dares to make out in the roof. They respect the rule of not being in the rooftop when they don't give a damn about the laws that forbid intimate activities in the school.

I hate the mixed smell of food and hormonal sweaty guys in the cafeteria so; I stay at the rooftop until the next class. I took a seat on my regular bench and lent on my bag pack, looking at the cloudy sky. After a few minutes just staring at the sky, I started talking: “Dad, you are up there? Can you see me? I miss you, dad. I wish that you’re here next to me to cuddle me. I don’t want to feel alone anymore. I wanted you there last night when I saw that terrifying nightmare. Why do I feel like I know her? She doesn’t look like me, but I feel her pain. I still feel the cloud's pain too. You used to tell me that my chest hurts me because the clouds are crying from pain too. I’ll go to the roof of the house and pray for God to help them so it can ease my pain. I always trusted you. I did when you told me we'd stay together as a powerful family too,” with every word I utter a teardrop from my eyes. It’s my thing. I cry a lot; I am like the rain I hate.

“Why did you take my place, dad? Everyone left me alone when you left first. I am weak and, my life has no meaning without you,” the sky looks blurry because of the tears forming in my eyes.

“I bet he doesn’t agree with you,” I choke in my tears because of the voice behind me.

“What are you doing here? You’re not supposed to be here?”

“Neither you are,” He shrugged his shoulders.

“How much did you hear?” The last thing I want is someone who has my secret as a weapon in his hands.

“I came in at your last sentence so, not much,” He stopped for a second, looking at me like he was reading me. “And don’t worry, I am not saying a word about what I heard,” He smiled, showing his dimples.

I grab my bag and pass by him. Before I went out, I turned and looked at the guy who’s scanning me. “You better not and don’t fake an American accent to blend in with us. Everyone knows that you’re English”.

Why did I say that? The guy said nothing out of usual. He just spoke without the British accent he used in class. Why did I assume he was trying to blend in? Why do I care? Good, that I turned before seeing his expression after my words.

I took the stairs down to the class. I was their early, so I won’t have to walk the packed hallway. But to my surprise, someone was in the class sitting on my desk waiting for me to show up.

“There you are. I was waiting for you. Take this,” The teacher said, handing me the paper. “It’s your assignment paper. You were sleeping the day I gave in to the class,” He said with an angry voice.

I looked at it, “Full score, what’s new?” You can see in his face he didn’t like my reaction.

“You said full score like its nothing. Others work days and nights to get a bit close to it. Sera, how you’re writing is not simple. You’re a talented writer and you're wasting your talents being angry at everyone around you,” He shouts his bottled thoughts at me. Cool, finally he said what he wanted to say for so long. I hated him, looking at me, wanting to talk without talking.

“And what you want me to do?” I asked with a bitter tone that for sure pissed him out.

“I want the sweet, respectful girl back. I miss the girl that loves books and music. I was unpleased when I knew that you left the music school and stopped playing the piano. I talked to your mom about it, and she was so broking because of you. You’ve changed, and you’re pushing everyone who wants to help you. You’re playing an unpleasant role in your life, and you’ll regret it at the end,” He spits the words without breathing or even thinking of the impact they’ll have on me.

“You know, teacher; you’re so funny. You’re giving me a lecture after four years of me being like that. What did change? Where were your words before? An advice, a pep talk, a lecture? Do I need it now? You said you wanted the sweet girl back. Well, I am sad to inform you she died. You know why? Because they left her out. Her best friend called her spoiled girl, and her mother married her uncle without a word or a sincere explanation,” I laughed hysterically. At the moment, I didn’t know what I am feeling anymore. “And I wish it were the end, this music school you talk about, she got bullied there, they called her a killer and they locked her in the music room for hours. She couldn’t play piano at the time because it reminded her of her dad but, they wouldn’t open the room for her until she plays a horror themed song on it, and it went on and on. Things that don't affect me now because I am stronger. Hate me like that? Then, where were you when this shit happened to me? Where was my mom? She didn’t even check on me because I yelled at her when I was grieving my father’s death. Don’t lecture me because, if you were at my place, you would’ve taken your life away the same year that all this happened. At least with this, I survived four, not only one,” I finally said what was eating me inside for so long. But it didn’t feel right, either any weight was a lift of my chest. I started hearing the kids’ laughter, next to that, HIS laughter, and after that, they were mixed. From frustration, I let an angry yell. The class went spinning around me. I saw my teacher's worried face blurry. I lost my straight, and my legs went jelly. But before landing on the floor, a warm body catches me. I couldn’t see the face. All I saw is darkness.


“Ugh, what happened? Where the hell am I?” I massaged several times to get my vision back. Oh, I am at the nursery.

“Finally, you woke up; I am going to go take my nap in peace now. Don’t bother me,” And without waiting for any response, the boy closed his eyes. He was that Noah guy. The one that didn’t bother to introduce himself. I kept looking at the guy dumbfounded. He super pale and was wearing all in black–good taste-, hair black too. Am I checking him out? Hell, I am!

“Will you stop staring at me? Your eyes will soon create a whole on my face,” Noah said with a grumpy voice still closing his eyes.

“What are you doing here? I didn't need help,” I wanted to get him out of the room the soonest possible. Shit, I let my guards down. Now, I’ll be back to the vulnerable girl in the teacher’s eyes. I held these kinds of stuff in my chest for so long that I never thought that one day I'd let someone know about them.

The male scoffed at me, “What’s your problem now?” I humph with anger. I am not keen now for someone to challenge my temper.

“What an odd way to say thanks for saving you from a harsh head injury,” He opened his green eyes looking at me with a calm face. “Don’t worry about the show you made there; I am not interested in your shit. I brought you here so you can be my bail when the teacher asks where I was the class before and the next one too,” He said before laying on the nursery room bed.

I kept telling myself to stay calm. I am not showing the guy he's challenging my patient. What’s happening to me today?