Boxing & Gucci

I looked at the figure walking away until it disappeared. I wanted an explanation. I was waiting for whoever this guy is to come back and tell me what’s going on. But no one ever did. Why a stranger will do? He helped because he pitied a mental person.

I dragged my feet to the house. Soon, I realized that I don’t feel a thing besides confusion. I mean by that I am not in pain anymore without making a new scare. How’s that happen? It never happened, ever. The rain is still pouring hardly, but nothing hurts. Drops of water splash on me, and I feel them, not the pain they cause. What’s on earth is going on in my life?

My mind drifted to the guy that showed from nowhere for a second. I, for the first time, am curious about who the hell he is and if the no pain has something to do with him. Maybe he’s an angel dad sent for me as he said. With the drama I live, nothing impossible. Today was full. I talked more than I spoke the whole year.

I opened the gate to face my mom and her husband under an umbrella. I looked at them, reacting to me getting in. Were they relieved? They care? Okay, cool.

“Oh, look at you darling, you’re all wet,” She said, putting both of her hands on my shoulders. I don’t like hands on me much but, I didn’t lift my head to face her. I just couldn’t. I don’t want to soften to her. She doesn’t deserve it. “Lydia, go bring towels, I’ll take Sarah to her room,” She called out one of her maids. I didn’t have the urge to yell at her or be rude. I was still in shock because of the event earlier, and I also was shivering, so no talking. She put the towel on me, and her husband hid us with his umbrella, living himself to the rain. I wasn’t in the right mind to think about every move they made. I took my way upstairs to my room, leaving the couple hugging each other in the house hall.

I took a shower, and the boiling water was the right thing to help me clean my thought. What a day, totally different from my regular days: Talking so much, meeting that guy, not feeling the pain even without harming myself and not snapping at my mom? Was it a good day? Don’t know.

I spend the night looking at the walls. Tossing from side to side in the bed, couldn’t sleep. It’s not a bad thing. I am going to be exhausted tomorrow, for sure, but I can always sleep in the class. I prefer having my brain torturing me with questions and ideas than being tortured by the hell of the nightmare I have every night.

It’s too early to get ready for school, so I went to my closet to search for some gym clothes. I took one of the stranger's hoodies and my sports clothes. I combed my hair to a ponytail and wore my black Jordan Force 4. I am planning to go to school from the gym, so I took my bag with me.

“Wild Cat” gym is far away from my house so. I had to take the car. Well, I don’t know what kind of car it is. I am not good with their brands. For me, it’s just a large gray one, lift from the ground. It took me 30 minutes to get to the gym. It wasn’t a dangerous area, but it was far from the fancy houses I must live in. The gym I am going to is not for what girls call work out or what boys put videos about on Instagram. A professional box athletic and owner of a big bodyguard service company owns it. He trains special agents and bodyguards there. That man was my dad’s closest bodyguard, friend, and the one that got me on feet and helped me to defend myself when kids bullied me.

I got in; this place is always open, but I doubt Amer is here. The area has a mixed red and black color, and I love the aura here. No one at the reception. Of course, it's only 4 AM. I am not a person to welcome here, anyway. I always show up like I own the place.

Walk to the changing room, remove the hoodie, and put it with the bag at the locker and head to the ring. I put bandanas on my wrist to hide my scars. Amer knows I harmed myself several times, but he doesn’t know that I still do it. So, I should cover the new ones. These cuts take time to heal, and I don’t let them by cutting them many times. I wanted to warm up with punching my sandbag, and on my way, I heard talking and loud breathing. I got curious, it’s Amer’s voice, but he’s with another one?

“Hey man, take it easy with your anger. What’s up with you today? You can’t punch your way out of it. Just breathe and try not to see the sandbag as your enemy,” I enter at Amer's voice. He lifts his head, and with wide eyes, he looked at me. The guy he was talking to has his back on me.

“Well, you’re teaching someone on my favorite sandbag. Good start for my day,” I said bitterly.

“Sarah? What are you doing here?” At the mention of my name, the guy turns behind him to have his blue eyes fixed on mine. How can he be here?

“I couldn’t sleep, so figured I come here and let some steam out,” I said, not looking at the guy that was looking at me.

"Great, you're here! This guy here is Noah. He came to train here since he still has not the right equipment on his house,” He said, smiling trying to introduce me to the guy I know from school. Yeah, the one I had the weird interaction with yesterday.

“I notice you said here many times. Are you nervous, Mr. Wild cat?” I smirked at him. He notices that the vibe between the guy and me is not good. “Anyway, I want to spare with you after warming up,” I said, putting my boxing gloves.

“I can’t,” He briefly said. I looked at him, and he laughed nervously. “I am working with Noah, and we’re not finishing soon. You can spare with him when we end. I am an old man now, and I can’t work with over one powerful person,” He was trying to smooth the environment. But sorry man, you made it worse.

“Dude, you’re only 32 for crying out loud and, I will not spare with a girl. She’ll whine before I touch her,” The Noah guy said, and every word he spits from his mouth was like pouring gas on my fire.

“You’re a sexist prick, try me,” I yelled. I am down to a match with him. “I am going to kick your ass for looking down on me,” I said, and the man in front of me didn’t give a damn.

“I am saying again that I’ll am not sparing with you little thing,” and he took his way to the changing room. Little thing? He’s calling me a little thing. He should spend more time at the school to hear the reputation of whom he’s calling LITTLE THING.

“Since he’s not here, I’ll spare with you, bunny,” Amer said with a grin on the face.

“I am not down anymore, old man. I’ll go to the sandbag and picture my punch smashing someone’s face,” I walked past him and headed to my favorite spot in the gym.

Traitor! He left me for someone who just came today. Punch. I was called Little thing by an arrogant bastard. Punch. He let him train in my favorite sandbag. Punch. I care about his opinion. Punch.

Oh, my God! I am jealous and shouldn't be. I don’t care about others. What the hell is happening to me?

In the time I finish bruising Amer and that Noah guy faces in my imagination, I was sweating everywhere. I took a shower, change my sports bra, pull in the hoodie, take my bag, and by 6 AM, I was ready for school.


I am not way early today, but not at the time where kids come to school. I left the car to Amer. I just left him the keys and a note on his desk saying that he should get it to the house. He must’ve been cursing me by now, but he deserves it. He’s a man that never acts his age but, he acted as a friend when I needed him. He pulled me together and introduced me to boxing as a therapy when the damage to me was too deep. I came back stronger to defend myself and stronger to accept my life’s reality. He said that I may be in pain for now, but one day, I’ll get my share of happiness. I want to believe it, so I’ll keep living this life just to see what’s God has for me after the pain I am living.

I reach the hall, and I took my way to the classroom. The hallways will start soon to get packed, and I hate to squeeze to pass.

“Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God?” the excited male voice stopped me to look behind. Out of curiosity, I wanted to know what made him this excited. I met a smiling face. His grin is contagious, and he’s handsome. Caramel hair, caramel eyes color, tall and fit, and has beautiful tainted skin. This guy knows how to make a khaki cashmere coat to look casual with a white t-shirt and jeans. I looked left and right, and no one was there. So is his excitement have something with me? I looked at him, confused.

“I am sorry to creep you out. I saw you casually walking with the latest design of the Gucci bag. This bag cost a fortune and is not even out there until next month,” I smiled at the guy, he was acting cute that I couldn’t resist smiling at his face.

“My mother's friend sends it to me as a gift,” I answered the amazed kid in front of me. “Perks for having the woman that had you as a famous fashion designer.”

“Can I touch it?” He requests shily. I nodded and removed it from my back. What’s that special about a black bag with green and red bands?

“The leather is awesome, and the design is luxurious with excellent quality. I’ll get mine soon if it’s possible. By the way, I am Liam Miller and sorry to bother you. I am just in love with Gucci,” He said dreamily.

I nodded. “I am Sarah Turner, I got to go,” I said, took my bag in hand and turn to leave. I already interact with him, and I will not go any farther. I hope I won’t see him again, not to be obligated to be rude to him if he says Hi in the hallway.

“Stop right there,” I froze at the change of his voice from cute to angry “How the hell did you get this hoodie?”