In his studio

After the awkward silence Noah set, I asked, "Uh, what do you mean by what is going on?"

"Nothing, you just had to think that both of you are in public," He spoke. "That's lame, it's not a sin to hug your cousin," I huffed. "I bet Noah didn't mean that. The guys might wait; let's head back," Ethan said, cutting the staring contest I was having with his friend. I am so not going to stay quiet and digest anything he says. I am not in the mood today.

On the way to their penthouse, I was talking to Ethan, and Noah was trailing behind us. I wanted to ask him if he wanted to engage with us the conversation, but the aura he has was menacing like he would kill me if I say something. Here we are entering their dorm. I hope everything goes well. The soonest this mess ends the best for me to go back to where I was.

"We're sorry about earlier Sarah; we only wanted to tease you," Daniel apologize the second he saw me. "Yeah, we went too far. I am sorry," followed by Liam's too.

"I was a bit sensitive too. Apologies accepted," I said with a small smile. It's sweet of them to apologize on this petty matter. Yeah, I am back to my mind. I find it a little now. "Can we work now, Noah? I have the sheets. I tried, but I don't know if it's good." I spoke. "Oh no, you're not working now. Eat first. I made breakfast." Daniel pulled me to the kitchen. He's just like a mother. I am not the kind that eats breakfast, but I sat anyway since he has this look that says I won't let you go until you finish what's on your plate. It was a plate with eggs, some mini pancakes, and grilled bacon, which I pushed from my plate. Next to it was a glass of orange juice that looks freshly squeezed. This man is taking care of his friends.

"Eat and follow me to the studio." And that man loves to order me to follow him all the time. He went upstairs and started eating what I have on my plate.

"Is there some sane person who doesn't like pork?" Liam asked in disbelief, noticing the piece of bacon I put out of my plate the large one in the middle."I never taste it to like it or not. I don't feel that I need it in my life," He gasped more surprised than the first time. Ethan laughed at his reaction. "Aunt Layla doesn't eat it, so it's not a thing they had ever in their house, and Sarah grows not needing it." He explained.

"Well, more for me. Bacon is life," Liam sang. I smile at that. This guy sure likes his food. And yeah, mom is a reason for me not eating pork because of her religion. She showed me how the animal is disgusting in the farms, so I won't ask about why we don't eat it. My mother was an excellent tricker.

I headed to Noah's studio after eating. I don't remember when last time I ate breakfast, and I am glad that I sat and devoured this one. These guys are cool to be around them, but I can't let the warmth that I felt with them to give me hope for anything in the future. Even if they don't mind a friendship, I should get away from their way.

I knocked on the door several times, but no one was answering. He said he'll be at his studio. Is he sleeping? Nothing to lose, I opened the door, and I was greeted by his back like when I stalked him playing years ago. He had his headphones on. He was emersed in what he was doing — moving his hands from left to right, clicking on his computer's buttons, or his keyboard. I've always been curious about the guy who played the song that relieved me from my sadness. I don't know whom I was waiting for, but my mind wouldn’t draw someone like him as the pianist in the music class. Looking at him working, I think of my dad. He would be busy working on his draft he forgot his surroundings. He never scolded me after cutting him from work. He would leave everything and play music for me.

Noah turned in a sudden I felt butterflies in my stomach. Oh, my God! I felt butterflies! Get hold of your hormones girl!

"You're done staring?" Uh, "If you did, come here. We have a lot to do, and I don't have time for you," He said coldly.

I wanted to raise my middle finger at him but I only scoffed, “Sure, sir, as you please.” He glanced at me, put back his headphones and went back to what he was doing. I don't understand anymore. Does he want to work with me or not?

Rage increases within me. I wanted to go away, but I am not the kind to step from something I promised to do. I snatched the headphones from the guy's head, glaring fire at him. "What the fuck?" He yelled.

"That's what I want to ask too. I came here to help and pay off my debt. Stop acting like a bitch to push me away. I am here for a job, and when I finish it, I'll be glad to go back to my life. I will not stay for whatever reason you're afraid of, so don't worry. Now, take these," I handed him the sheets. "I am going down to the piano. Correct them and give them to me. I'll play it here for the last time. From now on, I am going to practice at school, and you won't have to see me around until the ball day," I said and went out.

"Problems in paradise?" I glared at the voice owner. "What? I was kidding. Okay, what wrong?" Adam asked.

"My patient is getting to a limit with Noah. If he will not respect me, he could’ve said no from the start. Why now acting like a bitch?" All I want now is to be in front of my sandbag and get some steam out. I am now cursing in front of someone I only met couple weeks ago and didn’t do a thing wrong to me. I am clearly out of character.

"I am sorry about Noah, He's having a hard time," Adam started, and I cut his chain of excuses, "O.H. no! I am not listening to this. If he's a good person, he needs to show it or at least be decent with others. I am not here to stay, so he doesn't need to be scared about it. I may be rude to people, but I won't be to those who show that they need me".

"If you finished, we could review what you wrote," I heard Noah's voice from where he was coming. Better to get it done quickly. I took at the sheets and looked at him frowning.

"You changed nothing. I am pretty sure I confused some notes there," I admitted. Yesterday, I wanted to check it in the piano, but yeah, shit happens.

"Good, you know that," I rolled my eyes his remark. "I just want to hear it as you wrote it," He spoke with a sudden soft voice. I felt my heartbeat skipped for a second. That was wrong.

I sighed and put my fingers on the piano keys. Noah placed the music sheets in front of me, and I followed everything I wrote there. It was good, but I notice the change I made. I didn’t do it intentionally because the sound from the computer recording can be tricky to decipher to know the very exact notes used.

"I am kipping it like this. You're officially the co-writer of the song. It turned out well and better than the original one," Noah turned me to a songwriter suddenly. Do I have a say in this? "If we're going to get any profits of it, I'll make sure you get your part."

I felt uncomfortable with him talking to me like that. But who I am to complain, I am only here to help. I took the sheets and my bag. I will not stay here anymore. "Since you approve it, I am going to practice at my house and school. See you at the ball, Adam," I said, and Adam nodded with a small smile. "And yeah, I don't need the profits from the song. It was a coincidence that makes it better. Keep in mind that you were clear that you don’t want to have a thing with me after the performance".

Thinking about what events led me to today, I somehow didn't hate what happened at all. The dream was scary; so was the accident. But, thanks to it I met my cousin again, and I am playing the piano which I didn't think I'll get back to it. I want to say that I am glad that I met the guys, but it's just a meeting, nothing else. People that we pass through life. Exactly like saying Hi to the taxi driver or the grandma, we help in the street. What the hell, where went the anger I felt before leaving the dorm.

I reach the house, and as always, when the kids are home, they'll come running to the door. "Hey guys, you two look excited," I smiled at the energy they're radiating.

"Mama told us you're going to play the piano. We never heard you playing piano," Aiden said. How does she know? "We did, we watched many of her video Aiden remember," Nadia reminded him. "I meant we never saw her playing live," He spoke.

"How do you guys know about it?" I asked. "I got the invitation from Mr. Hunter for the ball. He sent it, and your name was on the performing list. His Buttler told us you're performing in the place of his pianist since he got injured. I didn't know that you have friends in the F.A.," That was my mom's voice. Funny that she's talking to me like we're close. I sighed, since she's going to assist, I may tell her.

"The pianist in the F.A. is the person who saved me from the accident, and I am just paying my dept since he got injured because of me," I explained. "Are the kids going to attend the ball?" I asked the woman in front of me.

"Yeah, the invitation included them too. Mr. Hunter is such a sweet man," He chimed. I didn't have a conversation with her for a long time.

"Okay, kids, I had a long day practicing. I'll go to my room and rest a bit. Eat well and go to sleep,". I said while kissing them. I took my way upstairs, but my mom's voice stopped me, "Your birthday is three days after the ball, what do you want to do in it?" I froze in my place. I forgot that I am turning nineteen soon.

"I want to sleep that day," I said, and I went to my room. Not a huge wish, right?