"Wake up, kitty; we have a long day ahead of us." A hand roughly shoved me. Where am I? I feel like I was rolling in a rollercoaster for so long. My head hurt enormously, and my body was numb to me. I tried to open my eyes, but they were heavy, like I was waking up from being drugged.
Wait! I am supposed to be in the nightclub, why am I laying in a bed? I was trying to move, but I couldn't; something was stopping my feet and hands from the motion: something, ICY.
I jolted in my place, my eyes no longer heavy, they're wide open. I was searching in my surrounding, but the first thing that I felt after I gained my senses back is the iron around my skin. Like a criminal, cuffs captured me in my hands and feet.
"Finally, aware of your surrounding!" He said with a smirk on his face. I looked at him and the memory of the other night.