The Goddesses of Mugging Chapter 4
The glare of a thread of light entered through the window of that Mari hotel room and she opened her eyes to see the jet, who was exhausted. Suddenly, when she turned around, she saw that perfect silhouette like a mermaid sitting on the edge of the bed, Mari stared at it, and at that precise moment, that woman turned around and smiled and continued to put on her makeup, while saying
-I thought you'd never wake up
Mari asks
-and who you are
That woman drops her makeup and gets up quickly and very gracefully says
-so your other mom!
Turning out to be another transvestite only this one was very beautiful and young and said
Lift to jet
Mari immediately started to move in jet, who woke up saying not very happy
-Whaaat!!! Daughter let me sleep
Mari told him - stand up and they need to talk
Azabache stood up and said
-what do you want Amber to call me about
- i'm going to the palms to stand up xq today there is a soccer game and men will walk on the streets taking let's go that tomorrow it's time to pay hotel
- wellooo daughter go bathe come on
Mari obeyed but amber said
-Are you going to take her? no no no today she will see a lot of work and if the police truck passes by they can take her another day that is not as busy as today
And so they bought a lunch for Mari and left her there, Mari took advantage and organized that whole jet room gave her orders not to leave or open the door so that the receptionist in the morning did not know that she was there, at about 10 pm arrives amber, Mari asks
-How did it go?
-Very well, daughter.
I ask you are a girl or a boy how you want me to treat you
In that he opened jet and answered
-as a boy, he doesn't like men, on the contrary, he wants to be a man
Amber answered
-for you will be our son and the man of the room not to say of the house
Tomorrow we will take you to work with us if you have ever had sex?
-not ever with anyone
Ambar looked at jet and asked
- and what are we supposed to put her through if she's a virgin
Jet responds
-Easy will be our girl's hook is very pretty and you can see that this young girl so men will fall with her
That night they ate. The next night, amber, who was thinner and shorter than jet, lent her clothes to Mari, who was also thin and short and wore tight jeans, a shirt tied around her waist, and her loose, unkempt, frizzy hair, They stand on a corner, one watches one side and the other watches the other side in case the police truck passes by and in a few moments the first car arrives, a white Malibu, and the fat man, about fifty-something, says to Ambar -and come on, we'll go for a ride
Ambar answers -ok fat but you can give me the ride to my friends and leave them near the liberator
-Give them a ride in the back
The immediate man arranges for amber to perform oral sex on him while he drives and while he's driving he turns around and says
-and that little girl doesn't want
Amber responds
-I'm not the one who's going to do it to you, it was the deal
-I want her now, is she a transvestite too or is she a woman?
-is she a woman?
Mari, frightened, doesn't say a word. The man slams on the brakes and puts his hand in his wallet, holding a knife that he has always carried everywhere. The door where Mari is standing with the limb still out and amber in her desperation pulls out a spray can and sprays it over the other's face immediately the man feels the itching and burning and starts to scream
-Damn it, you threw me out, damn it
Azabache checks the glove compartment and pulls out a wad of bills from there and says
-run!!!! They ran down the dark street until they reached an abandoned building where they hid and watched the police patrol pass by again and again. That night they gave her enough money to go to the hotel and rest, but Mari, who was the first time she had seen something like this, didn't like the idea of stealing, much less having to dress like this every night. Weeks went by and jet, amber and mari were already a family and mari's 18th birthday came around and they decided to go eat on the boulevard when there is jet, ask son your sign is pisces right
-yes mother because?
-I take him and amber by the hand and lead them at a fast pace as people hiss and whistle as they pass by. Asabache stops at a craft stall and asks -what is the lucky stone for the sign Pisces?
The man answers - the agate
Immediately jet says ------------ prepare me a necklace with that stone
And that was the gift of jet for Mari as she provided the food. They spent a wonderful afternoon, the next day Jet travels to where her mother left Amber and Mari alone in the hotel, In the afternoon, Amber got ready to go out and take who she would put on guard in one corner while she worked with the men in the other. This time things didn't go well, the police suddenly appeared from the amber bushes and ran, shouting for Mari to run as well.
-Get them! Get them!
Mari is almost out of breath, she can't take any more Amber, so she lets herself fall to block the passage of the sliding August and Mari can run without turning back until she reaches a station where she stays for hours but Amber never arrives, other transvestites who had to run told her
-go to the hotel to amber the police
Mari felt like crying, but she did it, it was already dark, she arrived at the hotel very sad and she sneaked in so as not to be seen by the receptionist, she fell asleep deeply without a pinch of food in her stomach, it was morning, amber did not appear, it was noon, they knocked on the door, Mari opened it, she was the receptionist - the room is overdue.
-if you don't worry my friend is almost there
-okey is fine
The night came and Mari started crying, not knowing where to look for amber and without a phone where to call for jet, suddenly there was a knock at the door again and Mari got up and opened it.
Alas, she was standing there beaten up, but alas, Mari hugged her and helped her to take off all the fillings she was putting in to simulate hips and breasts, and took her to take a bath while she was sitting on the bed waiting for her.
-what did they do to you?
-They beat me, they raped me, they took everything from me
Mari stood up and hugged her
-I was afraid I wouldn't see you anymore
No son they always do that and then they let you go, the good thing was that I was able to make some money while I came and paid the hotel but we don't have any food and I feel bad I don't want to go out today
Mari ae placed the shoes and said
-Well, I had to come because the Anabel woman forbade me to stand on the bridge
- And that's because?
-Because I stole a client from her, she even made me run and made me look like a murderer and said she didn't want to see me anymore.
-and now
-I'm going to go to Maracaibo for a while, there's my family, I'm from the beech tree and I worked for a while, tomorrow I'm going to leave my room because it was my turn.
Mari was saddened
-and when you return
-I don't know a month but you're going to be in jet lag I'll be calling you
- and today you don't dress in jet before coming
-I saw that he got into a truck and until I came I had not arrived
Mari and Amber went to bed and the morning arrived Amber got ready and packed her suitcase and said
-Azabache must be in the pigalle to which he returns tell him to call me son
-if I tell you to take care of yourself, don't be late in coming back (a strong hug was synonymous with sadness and separation at that time)
Amber left and the night fell, jet did not arrive Mari got ready it was late 10pm and went to the pigalle asked everyone and no one had seen her she asked if they could please tell them she was worried and left the address of the hotel, returned to the hotel to wait for her and nothing fell asleep and the morning arrived someone knocked on her door Mari ran and opened thinking it was jet but it was not paola one of the most jet friendly transvestites and said
-son was killed(breaking into tears)