Chapter 8

Is a woman or is a man (chapter 7)

The fame of agate in nightclubs rises as foam did not need to sleep with any man because his particular way of being and that mystery that wrapped on their sexual preferences and whether or not it was hermaphrodite their constant lies and arrogance sensuality that exudes just walking as it is now could be so feminine so woman all this makes it irresistible to men who entered that bar, she continued with her gymnastics and her treatments based on testosterone and other more chemicals prescribed by her trainer after 6 months the agate figure was enviable a totally defined arms a waist that could fit in the narrowest pair of hands legs and thick and hard buttocks now if desired by men and women and by that time she had gotten used to that lifestyle she had forgotten that she did not want to be a woman or simply did not know what she wanted or was trapped by the harmful magic of that world or it suited her to be this one now, His clients were the richest in the club and the invitation arrives for a special show at the club the orchid the manager a recognized and very charismatic man with a hoarse voice who was called Armando trampa asked for the services of Agata in urgent order and she accepted the owner of the club needed a good manager He said that Armando Tramp was the best and only needed to have the most quoted girl of the moment and that was Agata and so it was Agata confirmed her attendance for that club. When the day came, the applause was not long in coming, the owner of the beautiful rosary was impressed with Agata and wanted her for her business and would do anything to keep her there.

That show inspired by Rammstein's song "Mutter" left men and other dancers and hosts open-mouthed and captivated the eyes of three of the most beautiful girls in the club, including Sandra and the baby. the stepson of the owner Fer was not long in creating deep friendships and although he and Sandra were great friends for a long time he preferred the company of agate with whom he went out and went to the movies at the gym and did not doubt that the baby was the perfect match for her

After a few days agata and beba managed to establish a relationship both beautiful the contrast of the skin of both made them striking and irresistible there was not a single club where they did not talk about the beautiful couple and agate the queen of the tubes only that agata lost control of their popularity and the excessive use of cocaine was not helping her began to get pretentious and conflictive yet was a dancer that every club wanted to have his presence attracted many viewers despite their stable relationship with baby and apparently love each other very much one day on the anniversary of the club invited another dancer also named Sandra the monumental Sandra who would change completely the life of agate and end up crushing it with everything and his fame

Agata lost her head completely for that dancer of 1.70 meters q on those heels of 20 ctm was simply monumental the flirtation between both simply I finish in sex to which the baby I don't take in discovering it and to disappear of the life of agata with the broken heart never more he/she returned to know of the baby for but that I look for it

The relationship of agate and. Sandra became intense to the point of going to live together with Sandra's family and everything was going well. They were both very much in love but there was a big problem: both of them were consuming cocaine which in a short time around the toxic relationship began the aggressions and offenses especially when they were under the influence. Agata did not cease to be desired and famous in her circle and of course many women wanted to be with her who every day was more muscular to the point of not knowing if she was really a woman or a transvestite man

The jealousy ruined every day but the peace of both but always returned after each fight one next to the other sandra had already lost control and after 4 long years even saw things where there was no despite the fame of agate was maintained in any club wanted if it was accompanied by sandra who already low the effects of cocaine attacked even the customers of the club who dared to touch their beloved queen of the tubes things got worse and even the same agate had fallen into the field of jealousy there was not a night that does not end in blows between this couple agate always had the advantage of winning for their excessive musculature

Only that one day Sandra decided to go to work outside the city and never again did she return. 5 years in which they were inseparable never again answered agate's calls or her messages only once 3 months after she left to tell her

-don't write me anymore that I am with my partner and I don't want you anymore follow your life you deserve someone better than me

Those letters devastated her and she did not even imagine at that moment that those words would become a constant for many many years to come