May the man and the trans (chapter 10)
may began to devote himself to bodybuilding which was his passion but there was a problem that could only do it in female and that did not tolerate getting your own store bought his own gym tube without end of beautiful women but none lasted you could say that economically was very good he made several studies in nutrition and fitness a beautiful apartment but something was missing
may did not stop frequenting the bars he became well known among the prostitutes was beautiful with money and according to the hermaphrodite which was only the way not to admit their true sexual identity although everyone knew at night that was not more than that who called at some time agate
May used to offer a lot of comfort to their partners in exchange they should understand his particular taste for prostitutes sometimes lasted up to 3 days in a bar spending but never slept with any or undressed in front of any only consumed coca drink alcohol and talk about this to all pretend to be with him because they never disrespected but if they went very well paid there
A year later he had lost his last relationship with a beautiful and dedicated woman and the truth, even though she loved him, seemed to be unimportant. He was alone and it was something he couldn't really deal with and even his true identity didn't cause him as much fear as staying alone.
He had slept in one of the rooms for exclusive clients for two days and came back down on the third day. All the girls who shared with him were waiting anxiously for him to continue drinking Juanendo and charging for his time as well as discussing which was his favorite
May sat at the bar with a bit of a hangover and did not want to continue and one of his trj and the bank blocked it for security and yoli who always dispatched him put his beer he greeted him and took it and at that moment when he turned to see the atmosphere was the perfect combination so feminine and so exaggerated his simple look showed how proud an athletic body was the perfect combination was the beginning of all her curses and at the same time the beginning of being a real man would never forget her name you will never know because here began this history of trans for her that hybrid convinasion between woman and man with her miniskirt and strong features both looked at each other and immediately he asked yoli
-who she is call her
-You've gone crazy, that's a transvestite
-do you think I won't notice?
yoli didn't like me at all but called her and said
-they want to know you
He looked at her and smiled, saying
-like you call it
with a coquettish grin he responded
-beautiful name, my name is May
-I know your name, everyone is talking about you, I was intrigued to meet you, but I never thought you were so beautiful
-what you want to take
-a brandy
-order it
He got up and went to the bathroom and she went behind him and he was surprised and said
-what do you do I go to pee and I don't like to be seen when I do
-Leave the sorrow and tell me all about you
-which is all
-that you are not a man that's why I didn't expect such a beautiful boy I expected to see an ugly macho woman I fell in love when I saw you
May immediately understood that xq women did not fill her up and that was why xq only made her feel like a lesbian, that is to say, a woman who is a lover of women, but a woman who is still the same, together with what May did not want to be, and this transvestite, xq made her feel like a man even more, since she knew May's real sexual identity and still saw him as a man, which indicated the good work that May did in his homonal transition process. They shared numbers, May went to her apartment and thought a lot about that trans girl who attracted his attention. A couple of weeks passed and May returned to that place alone with her sister, Miracles, and the girls sat down as usual.
The next morning when he woke up miracles he said
So what are you doing today?
i don't have a hangover and you don't think i asked ivana for her number
you don't but you do write it down
That same day in the night May wrote to her they flirted and lasted some weeks in that until Ivana proposed that May go to visit her in her city.
the trip was about 4 hours
And finally he got there, she was waiting for him, he was nervous, he didn't know what would happen that day. They went to the big still life bar that also had a hotel, and already in the room they started kissing and caressing, and May was equipped with sex toys, the truth is that it was something new for him to see that white and smooth skin with such a perfect silhouette over him and his male genitals.
there was no penetration between them in a natural way only his stimulation towards her with toys he was not prepared to get intimate in a complete and natural way with her but she still reached her orgasm
At nightfall they got ready and went down to the bar where she would introduce her boyfriend with his little circle of friends, among them a nice stylist.
And for the first time he knew what it was like to feel like a real man. This trans girl treated him like her man and for so many years he wanted to be made to feel like a man in spite of his true sexuality.
that night may had to return even so he had so much desire to stay and continue living that magical moment could not help but feel a vasarium in the stomach at the time of saying goodbye to ivana
it would only be 2 weeks before may returned to that city this time to meet chirly, a very attractive transvestite whose attraction was her attitude, not really chirly, apparently a friend of ivana's, who immediately showed interest in him. may liked him very much and after talking to her for a few hours and getting to know her, she explained to him that may was ivana's boyfriend in that city and that nothing could raise his ego more.
another week passed and may travel again this time to meet his mother-in-law. it was incredible the way he was attended to and received by ivana's brothers and her mother
They made you feel like one of the family, the lady was fascinated with the May and wanted to continue living that, but things would change drastically when ivana's treatment started to be from loving to interested.
Everything was getting worse for ivana he was a trophy that she only wanted to cause envy and squeeze or that made her believe x that he came to love her as a wife or it was her pocket that captivated her x she should never have taken him to that town x for her sake vanity killed her pocket from which she may have tired and moved away months went by until she tried ivana had assured that she would change, but nothing happened. this reunion was a disaster until she had to pay for the stay of another friend of hers, who was called chirly, a very funny trans, with a very good dialect, who immediately stole May's attention.
The truth is that I managed to immediately captivate this other trans girl who was called chirly and who was supposedly ivana's best friend
Every afternoon chirly and may wrote to each other by text chirly informed may of certain things that ivana said about him not very nice and on a trip they did together chirly and ivana took the opportunity to inform may of how badly ivana behaved and how promiscuous she was
May, disappointed, sent the ticket to Chirly so that she could return it and stay in her apartment and tell her everything that Ivana was saying, and that's how it happened, but it didn't take a month for the lie of Chirly, who was telling Ivana that she was engaged to a much older tycoon and was treating her like a queen, to be exposed.
That affected ivana a lot and even though she didn't return to her and months went by it seems ivana was affected maybe she wanted it in the background or maybe she didn't want to lose that special treatment that she gave her maybe I'm sure it was more the second option but maybe I'm wrong
As the months went by, May's life fell apart on a professional level. It seems that her life as a couple with Chiry only led her to drugs and parties and to the compulsive luxuries that she was paying for, from clothes to expensive sandals. It was very difficult for me to maintain relationships with her and that led her to change into a depressed and unbearably jealous person.
February 26th May's birthday for everyone friends, neighbors and family May was already a person who was intolerant of drugs and this transformed his personality. However, if he could not lead with something, he was alone, so he prepared a big meeting to which he assured that his whole family would attend, but everything went wrong when the night came and none of the family members arrived alone.