Chapter 26

The worst daughter in the world (chapter 25)

May was living what she wanted so much and that had not been repeated in her life so many years ago and that was to live next to a woman in a home.

Sexually, Greisy was satisfied and so was May, even though May's sexual rhythm was low and Greisy was hotter and sometimes she felt bad about May's lack of sexual appetite.

In less than expected May had already furnished the apartment and even bought everything necessary to set up a beauty salon for Greisy so she wouldn't feel bad for not doing anything. He gave her everything she asked for without making excuses, even though every time he could he sent money to his family in Venezuela because Greisy had another 5 year old daughter in that country and May would support her in everything, but there was a problem that was turning the home under a black cloud and that problem was Greisy's oldest daughter.