

Its coronation time, I am all alone. Cathy and the others had gone on ahead.

“Debby!!” A faint voice yelled across the hallway.

She sounds like …Glory.

No…it can’t be possible, they’re at home, in Nigeria.

I turned to the sound of the voice and saw my two younger siblings running to me. I caught them and lifted them up.

“You guys are here? Omg!! I’m so happy!!” I squealed. I’m pretty sure they heard my squeal outside.

“Glory! Grace!” I heard mum yell-pant and dad smiling walking towards me and hugging me.

“Congrats kiddo. You look beautiful, I’m proud of you” He released me and I went to hug mum.

“I missed you guys really much. I wanted to come home during the break but Arthis really needed me plus I needed to learn their traditions.” I said almost in tears.

“Don’t cry baby, you’ll ruin your makeup. Don’t worry, we understand. Just don’t forget your family and tradition.” Mum said using tissue from her bag and dabbing my eyes.

“Come on, let’s go, you don’t want to miss your sister walking in do you?” Mum said pulling everyone with her.

I turned to face the big door waiting for the announcer to announce my name so I can walk in.

“Presenting, her royal highness, soon to be Queen, crowned Princess Deborah of Arthis!” There was a thunderous round of applause and the big door opened.

I saw my family’s face first, then my roommates’ and well-wishers. Of course, there were some frowns who cares?

Okay…Calm down…Breathe.

I smiled and walked down the stairs as elegantly as I could, my cloth following behind like my shadow.

I haven’t described what I was wearing yet, I was wearing an off shoulder navy blue long dress with slit on my right leg. The slit revealed my right knee downwards.

I also wore a royal cape, all royals in Arthis wears this on their coronation day. The cape is like that of Elsa (Frozen 1). I wore a gold heels and paired it with gold clutch and jewelries.

My hair was in braids and was packed to a bun at the back, only two were left intentionally at the front to add to my elegance. My makeup was done to complement my natural look. In other words, I was breath taking.

Shoulders poised, back straight, Head high, I walked with confidence.

I walked slowly according to the accapella’s beat.

I finally got to the priest and bowed curtsied at him which he bowed at me in return.

The accapella stopped singing and the priest cleared his throat.

“We are gathered here to crown Princess Deborah Oluwakemi Folarin as the official Queen of Arthis. If anyone here is against it, speak now or forever hold your peace.”

The priest paused and looked around the auditorium for about a minute.

“Since there is no one.” The priest carried the royal girdle and handed it to me.

“Do you Princess Deborah Oluwakemi Folarin solemnly swear to govern the people of Arthis towards justice, peace, unity, tranquility and prosperity?” The priest asked. I made up in my mind to do the best for Arthis the moment I said …

“I do” The priest smiled at me.

“Then by the power vested in me from above. I now declare you Queen of Arthis!” The priest declared, place the coronation tiara on my head and I raised the girdle up resulting in thunderous applause.

“All hail the Queen Deborah!!” The announcer yelled and everyone bowed. I curtsied in response and then the whole house blew up in merriment. Party time!!

I went to look for my family and found Williams.

“Good morning Advisor Williams. Nice day isn’t it?” I greeted giving him a fake smile, the geezer doesn’t have to know I knew he tried to assassinate me.

“Ah yes your highness. Congratulations on your coronation dear.” He smiled.

“Thank you very much. I’m honored you’re congratulating me. Anyway, have a nice day.” I waved and continued to look for my family, though I had to greet lots of people and relate with them so I could get connections.

I finally found them at the back of the hall looking confused, probably looking for me.

“Hey mom, hey dad” I smiled at them and gave them a family hug.

“Hey princess, congrats” Mum said and I smiled.

“Debby! Debby! We missed you!!!” Glory and Grace tugged at my gown to get my attention.

I swear, one of these days, they will rip my one of my cloth.

“Awwn, I missed you too.” I said and held Glory’s hand while mum held Grace’s.

“Come on, let’s go meet my friends” I said as I pulled Glory along, my family followed suit as I navigate to where I saw my roommates the other time.

“Hey guys” I greeted, they all turned their attention.

“There she is! Her Royal Majesty” Ashton said with hint of mock in his tone.

“Ohhh, thanks for greeting me his majesty King Ashton of Belgia” I said and we all busted in laughter.

“Well, enough jokes. Guys, this is my dad” Pointed to my dad and he waved.

“…my mum…” She smiled.

“…and my two troublesome sisters, Glory and Grace” I said pointing to each one.

As if on cue, they both decided to act shy and hide behind my legs. Shy my foot.

“Come on, come out and say hi” I cooed at them and pushed them out of my leg. They only waved and ran back behind me.

“Ooooh!! They’re so cute!!!” I’m guessing you know who said that. Who else but Brianna.

“They’re pretty cute though” Cathy remarked.

“Come on, we just want to play with you, we won’t bite.” Genevieve cooed and they slowly came out behind me.

“Well, let me introduce you guys to my parents. Dad, mum, this are the boys, Ashton, Tyler, Jason and Jacob. This is Genevieve, Cathy and Brianna, they are my roommates and also my best friends.” As I pointed to each of them, they each said their greetings.

“Pleased to meet you guys, I hope you’re all taking your studies seriously” My mum smiled sternly. Only my mum can pull that look.

“So how long are you staying and how did you guys come?” I asked facing my parents.

“The school invited us and provided a means of transport for us. Anyways, we have to leave tomorrow night because I have to get back to work. As for where we will stay, I signed in a hotel near your school before coming here.” Dad answered.

“How about we do it like this, there are many rooms in the Castle, why don’t you and mum stay in a room, Glory and Grace can stay with me since I missed them very much. I will send people to get your stuffs and check out of the hotel for you.” I said smiling sweetly and dad and mum did that communication thing with their eyes.

“Sure. I will go with them to make sure they handle it well, stay here to bond with others, I’ll call you when I get back.” Dad said preparing to leave but I stopped him.

“I haven’t called them yet.” I turned to look at my royal guard. The advisors apparently wanted me to be safe so immediately the party started, they assigned a guard to me.

“Pablo, please can you call Leon for me.” He nodded and went to make a call.

As if on cue, Advisor Vanquez came to drag me since I’m the host and the Queen to go make a toast.

“Mom dad, please stay with Brianna, they’ll take care of you. I have to go make a toast”

I called another maid, Lena and gave her some instructions about my family.

Pablo came back with Leon before Vanquez could whisk me away.

“Please gather some Security Agents and head over to liberty hotel, my dad is going with you so he’ll direct you. Help him check out and get the stuffs out of the hotel and head over to the castle. I gave Lena some instructions to clean a particular room. When you get back, Lena will lead you there and you’ll drop their stuffs there. Report to me when you are done. Thanks”

I left with Vanquez. That man is one hyperactive man by the way. He’s rapidly becoming by best advisor. Williams became the worst when I found out what he did, and it had everything to do with my assassination.

I tapped the champagne cup to get the attention of the crowd.

“I want to make a toast, to Arthis!” I lifted my cup and drank the wine.

They followed suit.

I looked over to Vanquez and he urged me to go on.

“I want to thank everyone here for their presence, it is deeply appreciated and honored. I want to urge everyone to enjoy the party!!” I said and got down to meet Vanquez but he was talking to some old lady.

“Hey Princess, you did great” I jumped in shock only to see Ashton behind me.

“You look handsome, my King” I bowed mockingly.

“Ooooh, you’re playing with fire…” he moved closer, “and you’ll get burned” He smirked and I tried to push him off me but I almost tripped but he caught me if not, it would have been an embarrassment.


“The pleasure is mine. Congratulations.” He smirked and pecked me on the cheek.

“Thanks” I said.

The bubbling feeling from my stomach again started rising again, it has been doing a lot of that lately.