
Love Portion

Xu Muye is finally here’ Brianna thought in her mind.

Xu Muye was bowing in front of her and her friends and boyfriend were sitting near her.

“You sure took your sweet time coming here Muye” Brianna smiled at Muye. Muye was confused as why her majesty was calling him by his first name, they just met for the first time.

On the other hand, Brianna admits that Muye is very handsome, more handsome than Tyler, his brown hair moving with the wind, his onyx eyes as calm and clear as the soothing ocean but has known pain, his white shirt and jeans fitting him perfectly. He is like a perfect beauty. He’s very handsome and tempting but when she decides to date or give herself to a person, she does it and never betrays. Since she is for Tyler, she will stay with Tyler.

“I am so sorry for taking so much time in getting here. I am honored to be at your presence your highness.” Xu Muye bowed again.

“Raise your head. You are humble, I like it” Brianna smiled again.

Tyler raised an eyebrow at Brianna’s words.

“I am so sorry for the loss of your grandfather and I heard your family story, Fa Xueluo and Xu Tian won’t get away with it, I assure you. Anyway, the reason I called you here is to help me treat the mother of the Queen of Amise. She has cancer with only two months to live. Can you help?”

“Your highness, I am a doctor not God. If she really has two months to live and it’s cancer, the best I can do is to strengthen her immune system to help it so she can live longer but she’ll die eventually because the cancer is deep in her and it will take a lot to deal with it, most patients don’t survive it. However, I will go check on her to see what I can do to help” Xu Muye said.

“Good, we’ll be heading out now. The vehicle has been prepared. Keep this a secret. Go get ready and meet us at the underground park” Brianna said, Xu Muye bowed and left the office.

Some minutes later.

Tyler and Brianna were walking together down to the underground park hand in hand.

“You know babe, I am taking you out tomorrow” Tyler whispered.

“Hmm? Sounds nice, where and when?”

“It’s a surprise. Get ready around 8pm tomorrow.”

“Can’t wait” Brianna smiled and pecked Tyler.

“That’s not how you kiss me.” Tyler said with a mischievous smile before placing his lips on hers. Brianna was first surprised but responded and before they knew it, were out of breadth and had to separate.

“That’s how you kiss me” Brianna blushed.

Lin Wanting, the previous king’s sister daughter or previous king’s niece for short passed them by and cleared her throat.

“Your highness” She bowed at both of them.

“Hey Wanting, how are you?” Brianna asked.

“Fine, thanks for asking” Lin Wanting left.

‘That bitch, enjoy your throne while you have it. I will soon get you off it’ Lin Wanting thought and smirked.

‘That girl isn’t as innocent as she seems. I have to be careful with her’ Brianna thought seeing the ugly look Lin Wanting was giving.

‘That Wanting girl’ Tyler thought ‘she’s quite pretty’.

Two hours, thirty minutes later:

Tyler, Brianna, Debby, Ashton and Xu Muye got back to the hospital, Brianna introduced Xu Muye to the rest of the group and Genevieve’s parent. Genevieve was better and was speaking now.

Since Cathy’s mum was the owner of the hospital, they were able to access Jamie’s medical report and so on.

Xu Muye read it as Brianna was asleep on Tyler due to the events of the day.

After scanning the report he turned to look at Jamie. “I need to run my test, to confirm it isn’t what I fear it is.”

Jamie nodded and Xu Muye brought out his needles. Checked one of Jamie acupoints and it turned black.

“As suspected” He muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Genevieve and Roland asked, Jamie however had no energy to be curious.

“I need to speak with Queen Genevieve and her father in private please” Xu Muye said. Genevieve and Roland nodded and they walked to a private office.

“Mrs Agosti’s cancer isn’t normal cancer. The cancer was caused by a rare poison and if we are able to get rid of the poison, Mrs Agosti will be fine” Xu Muye said.

Genevieve was so happy that her mum could survive that she wanted to hug Xu Muye. However, Roland stopped her before she could move.

“So how do we get rid of the poison and can you tell me the kind of poison it is so I can track it down to find the person who poisoned my wife?” Roland asked.

“I am afraid the poison is long term poison and only those efficiently skilled in ancient medicine should know it at all. She has been poisoned over and over again for this to happen and about the cure, I have a cure but it will take about three months for her to recover after taking the cure. During these three months, she must be under proper watch and must not be poisoned again or she’ll die”.

‘Who is this person and how’s the person able to poison my wife under my watch’ Roland wondered. However, Genevieve was happy there was a probability for her mother to survive. As for the person who poisoned her mother, she will get ASA to investigate it for her. Even if it’s earth and she isn’t able to get it from ASA. She will simply use the intelligence centre of her father’s company or hers since she is eighteen and legal now. Her father passed it to her, he’s just running it.

“Mr Agosti, please can you give me your hand, I want to test you” Roland nodded and gave him his hand, Xu Muye detected his heart beat was faster than it should, it could mean many things so he decided use acupuncture. He checked his acupoints and the needle tip changed color to lemon.

“Your highness, please can I speak to you privately?” Xu Muye asked, Genevieve nodded at her dad and he left the office.

“Your dad is under the influence of love portion” Xu Muye said.

“What!!” Genevieve exclaimed.

“Are you sure? He didn’t show abnormal signs” Genevieve thought out loud.

“The needle turned lemon not forest green which means your dad’s love for your mother is still fighting the love portion which is very unique. However your dad is still in love with the person that drugged him because the drug is still active. I am guessing the person is using your dad to poison your mum without him knowing and because your dad is probably a smart man will figure something out if he is suddenly is love with someone else when his wife is okay, decided to kill her off using poison making it seem like cancer and when your mum is dead, sweep in as the wife of the house and achieve her purpose.” Xu Muye said. Genevieve was really impressed with his analysis.

“You are pretty smart, what you say can be true. What do you suggest we do?” Genevieve asked.

“The antidote for the love portion requires three months to make plus the ingredient fetching and so on. You don’t have to worry about it. But as long as your dad is in love with the schemer, the schemer will find a way to get rid of your mum. The only way to save your mum right now is to fake her death” Xu Muye paused for Genevieve to process.

“If we fake her death, the schemer will show herself as the new wife of my father and I can find out her identity and her purpose and by the time the antidote is out, we corner her and get rid of her. Good plan. Since the antidote will take three months to make. We will fake my mum’s death in two months. A month isn’t enough for her to fully enter the family. Thank you Xu Muye, you just saved my family” Genevieve sincerely thanked Xu Muye.

“Thank you your majesty, it’s an honor” Xu Muye bowed and left the room.

At campus (6:30pm):

Debby made her famous moin-moin or the English version, beans pudding. Everyone was in the room, relaxed except from Brianna who is busy condemning all her clothes in preparation for her date with Tyler.

“Brianna, just pick one already” Genevieve whined. She’s already tired of Brianna complaining about her clothes.

“But none of them are good enough.” Brianna sighed and sat on her bed.

“It’s my first date with Tyler, I have to look my best”.

“Most of your clothes are latest clothes in season, you literally called of them useless. If I have to choose from your clothes, I will pick my dress in five minutes” Cathy said not looking from her project she’s working on.

“That’s because unlike you, my dressing preference isn’t jeans and crop tops.” Brianna retorted folding her arms.

“Hey, they rock, alright?” Cathy said, Genevieve laughed.

“Hey, Brianna, why don’t you calm down with some moin-moin?” Debby said and shoved a spoon if moin-moin in Brianna’s mouth.

Brianna who wanted to protest was forced to eat the food. “Delicious” She moaned.

“Hey, don’t make that noise here, go make that noise when you and your boo are locking lips” Genevieve said earning a glare and pillow from Brianna. Cathy and Debby snickered.

“You should really take your advice and lock lips with Jason instead.” Debby said earning an eye roll from Genevieve.

“I am so not locking lips with that Asshole. Only God know where his lips has been. You know, I think you and Ashton will be locking lips soon.” Genevieve said.

“Can you guys stop saying ‘lock lips’ please?” Cathy groaned.

“Why? Because you can’t stop thinking about a certain someone?” Brianna wiggled her eyebrows.

“Hey, I am not interested in anyone unlike you guys.” Cathy scoffed a bit embarrassed. She isn’t really good at taking teasing as she tends to take things a bit too seriously.

“Oh please, we can see it in your eyes that you like Jacob, you’re just denying it” Brianna said and moved towards Cathy wiggling her eyebrows again.

Cathy rolled her eyes.

“Okay, that’s enough Brianna” Genevieve said. Debby snickered.

“Oh why are you snickering, don’t think I don’t know what you did to the King of Mkrium.” Brianna humped.

“He offended Ashton, not me” Debby defended herself.

“Why is the Mkrium king’s marriage at the verge of collapsing? He chose to love his new girlfriend dearly and even made it very public knowing fully well that if he loses his wife, he will lose his political power over his people. Ashton is more of a guy that warns you seriously with little hits and takes you down completely in a ginormous hit. You tend to play with them and make them miserable before bringing them down.” Brianna stated calmly giving Debby the questioning look.

“Well Brianna, if you know me well enough, you’ll know that my actions have more than a reason. Ashton dealt with him already as per he completely destroyed an important sector of where the royal funds were coming from as a warning, mine was extra. I plan to ruin the royal family of Mkrium.

They got me interested in them when they made a move on Ashton but my main reason for ruining them is so that Williams and Velendez will not be able to seek their power. I can completely ruin them by making the king and queen be on bad terms with each other, they cannot just divorce like normal couples, there are things they have to consider. Due to this, there will be serious conflict.

You’re right most of the King’s power were from the Queen. Those are the power visible to us. The king of Mkrium is very cunning, he hid his power making it seem his wife’s political power was higher than his. When you are under the influence of the love portion, you tend to be stupid. There’s going to be conflict between the Queen and the King’s girlfriend and the king will back his girlfriend up and reveal his power, those two will fight and ultimately destroy one another. It is also beautiful when the girl he’s in love with is one of your agents.” Debby smiled. Brianna was deep in thought.