Arthis: Debby’s suite:
“How did your meeting go?” Ashton asked as Debby entered the room, seeming exhausted.
“It could have gone better.” She replied, taking her seat next to him, she wasn’t interested in talking about the anniversary ball, so she chose to change the topic.
“How did your checkup with the doctor go?” Debby asked. It was almost two months into the treatment, Ashton’s body should be shutting down soon.
Xu Muye handed Ashton’s treatment over to Dr. Balman, a prestigious doctor in Belgia that works only for the royal family of Belgia. He taught the Doctor Ashton’s condition, and left some research work for the doctor to find out more about the poison to make the treatment better for another person, who perhaps, get poisoned.
“Dr. Balman says my body might not shut down anytime soon.” He dejectedly said. Debby’s heart broke hearing him. She hugged him, trying to stop the tears dropping.