Earth: Campus:------------------------------
Cathy and Jacob arrived in campus and made a decision to go to the girls’ room, and since no one else is there, they had it to themselves.
Jacob settled in while Cathy went to grab two bottles of water from the refrigerator.
She walked back to Jacob, tossed one to him, opened hers and took a large swig of water.
“So, where do you want me to start?” She asked.
“From the very beginning. Don’t spare any detail.” Jacob answered, Cathy chuckled.
“It’s a very long story Jacob.” Jacob pulled her closer to him, then held her hand.
“I’m willing, I have time for the story.” Cathy nodded and started narrating her life story.
From the year she spent in the hospital struggling to recover from the incident, to her years in middle school which was fairly normal until her parents divorce which broke her all over again.