
Daddy reveal

“Daddy is not my real daddy?” Debby asked.

Bolu remained in her position, staring at her daughter who was in tears.


“Ki lo n ṣẹ lẹ? Mo ti n gbo ariwo latarọ. Bolu! Kilode to n pariwo? (What is happening here? I’ve been hearing noises. Bolu! Why are you shouting?)” Tobi yelled as she got to the room.

“Grandma, daddy is not my real daddy?” Debby asked her grandmother, desperately hoping it was not true.

Tobi turned to her daughter and frowned deeply, conveying the message ‘what have you done?’

“Grandma answer me!” Debby yelled.

“Yes, Francis is not your biological father, Kunle is.” Tobi admitted.

Debby looked at her mother, feeling betrayed by her own family. They didn’t think of telling her this piece of information.

“Deborah.” Bolu started but Debby yelled at her.

“Don’t call my name!” Debby yelled.

“You lied to me!”

“Don’t talk to your mother like that, she did that for your best interest.” Tobi reprimanded.