Italy: Milan: Agosti Manor:
“Signorina? (Miss?)” A maid knocked and called out from the other side of the door in Genevieve’s room, to check if she was in the room.
“Entra (Come in.)” Genevieve answered, the maid entered the room.
“Che cos'è? (What is it?)”
“Signorina, suo padre le ha chiesto di vederlo nel suo studio. (Miss, your father asked for you to see him in his study.)” Genevieve frowned. Her father asking her to see him in his study was a lot of things but good news. The last time he asked her to see him in his study, it was to announce the death of her maternal grandfather, who she loved the most of all her grandparents.
“Va bene, andrò a trovarlo. Puoi andare ora. (Alright, I’ll go see him. You can leave now.)” The maid bowed lightly and left the room, leaving Genevieve to her thoughts.