I took Jason's hand and he led me back to school to get my wounds treated before he accompanied me home. "Woah Noelle what happened I haven't seen you here before." The school nurse said.

She was a friend of my mum's so she knew me very well. "Oh no-nothing," I said, not wanting her to know what really happened, cause if she did she'd tell my mum.

"Noelle I know you're lying someone did this to you, but why. Jason care to explain." The nurse said.

"Yes, I was on my way home when I saw Olivia and her clique beating up Noelle, when I went over to ask why they were beating her up Olivia said it was none of my business. After I threatened to inform her father about what she had done, then she walked away." Jason said summing up everything that happened. "Ok, thanks Jason I'll be sure to handle this." My mum's friend said.

"Ok all patched up now. Jason could you please walk Noelle home, I'm afraid it might happen again." The nurse said in a worried tone. "No problem Ms. Emily," Jason replied in a cheery tone. "Noelle let's go," Jason said. He offered his hand and I took it.

We walked to my house with me leading the way. The walk home was quiet but Jason was doing everything he could to cheer me up, which worked. He would joke around with the littlest things, which made me smile. 'why is he trying so hard to cheer me up I barely even know him I thought silently.

"Ok, we're here thanks for walking me home," I said. "Won't you invite me in? you're so mean Noelle," Jason said fake pouting. "Ok if you want, but may I ask this question why though," I asked confused. "Because we're friends silly," Jason said chuckling. "Ah ok," I asked still not clear on the friend's part.

"Mom I'm home, and I brought a friend," I called out to my mom. My mom rushed out from the kitchen to verify if what I was saying was true. I mean it's not her fault it was odd for me to bring home a friend because I was always quiet and shy. "Noelle is it true my mum said coming towards us. "Yes mum it is, see for yourself." Jason was behind me and popped out to wave at my mum. She waved back still star-struck I brought home a friend and a boy at that.

"Well welcome to our home, may I know your name." My mum asked Jason. "Good afternoon ma'am, my name is Jason White," Jason told my mum politely. "Ok and could you drop the ma'am it makes me feel old somehow, you can call me Mrs. Silver or Aubrey. You can go upstairs with Noelle, I'll call you when dinners ready." My mum said.

"Jason are your parent's aware you're here, I don't wanna cause you any trouble," I asked flustered. "Oh calm down Noelle, I've informed my parents already. They'll pick me up at 6:30 I sent them your address." Jason said patting my head. 'Woah when did he do that I thought. We went up to my room and played multiple games.

And Jason he.....he..... was so bad I could die, he couldn't even beat me in one game. I mean it's not his fault I know every game inside and out, but really he's worse than I could ever imagine. "Jason you're so bad no offense," I said chuckling as that was the fifth time he had lost to me today. "Yeah hehe, I'm not good when it comes to video games," Jason said scratching the back of his head. "Ok, I'll teach ya the basis-." I was cut off by my mum.

"Jason, Noelle dinner's ready!!." My mum called out for us from the kitchen. " My mum called out for us from the kitchen. Dinner was ready so we headed downstairs before Jason's parents came to pick him up. Today my mum decided to make fried rice with shrimp. "Jason do you like it." My mum asked him. "Yes Mrs. Silver, it's very delicious," Jason said with a smile on his face.

"Jason can I ask you a question, why did you befriend my daughter. Don't take it the wrong way, but most people avoid her because of how her personality is. So why?" My mum asked him to my surprise. "Umm I don't know, I guess to me she's very interesting and better at some things than I am. She's very quiet but also smart too." Jason said with a chuckle. 'I really don't understand this guy, he befriended me because he finds me interesting, that's odd what a weirdo, no one likes me.' I thought silently.

"Well thank you very much, I was worried my daughter wouldn't have a friend until she was 50." My mum said stifling a laugh while Jason chuckled. "MOM!!!" I yelled frustrated. "What isn't that the truth you're always cooped up in your room playing video games that you don't socialize, I won't be surprised if you become a professional gamer. "My mum said laughing and Jason was smiling.

Ever since then Jason had been coming over to our house to either play games with my brother and I or study. We were inseparable. Sometimes I would go over to his house and his parents and sister welcomed me with open arms, I was like a second daughter to them. Jason was like a second son to my parents, anytime he came over he would always feel at home.


"Hey, Hey, HEY!! Earth to Noelle." Noelle was snapped out from her thoughts to see Liam trying to gain her attention. "What was going on in that head of yours, you spaced out for what seemed like an eternity," Liam said. "Oh nothing, nothing let's play one game before it gets too late," I said.

They played one last game and Liam lost to Noelle again, this time.... miserably. It was 9:30 pm and Liam, Maya, and Mikaela had to go back to their dorms. Maya and Noelle saw them off and went to bed. 'Today was fun even though I was sick, tomorrow is another day off school, better sleep. Noelle said as she dozed off.

~Hello my lovelies, thanks for making it this far. I hope you like it, if you do let me know by voting, commenting, and reviewing it. It really helps for me to know what I did right and what I do wrong, see you in the next chapter^^~

Love, Nana Ama