'I hope she doesn't recognize me, out of all the people in the world she had to be here' Noelle thought silently. Olivia was there because her father had had enough of her attitude and she was failing miserably in class.

Her friends left her by herself when her father ceased giving her money. They were all after her money, so when her father gave her nothing they saw no need to be her friends anymore. She was traumatized by what they had done so Olivia became anti-social.

Noelle pulled out her headphones to avoid any further distractions. Meanwhile, Olivia recognized Noelle immediately, but she said nothing to draw attention to herself because she thought if she did Noelle would tell everyone in the class about her past behavior, so she kept her thoughts to herself. One of the students walked up to Noelle and introduced herself.

"Hey, I'm Starr nice to meet you." The girl said as she extended her arms to shake Noelle's hand. Noelle politely shook her hands and they engaged in small talk. "So what brought you here," Starr asked curiously.

'Like seriously what brought me here, guess I could say community service'

"I'm falling behind in class, so I decided to join this program to improve on my grades," Noelle said in a monotonous tone. "Oh ok I see, I joined for the same reason too," Starr said chuckling. "Guess we are both falling behind," Starr said stifling a laugh.

After a while, the professor for the class came in and greeted everyone. "Because today is everyone's first time here I would like to introduce myself after that you introduce yourselves.

You come to the front tell your name and age and tell us what you like." The teacher said. "I am Professor Lilian Carter, you can call me Lilian or Ms. Carter and I'll be your professor for this class." Ms. Lilian said with a smile on her face. "Let's start with you." Ms. Lilian said pointing to Olivia.

Olivia came to the front of the class reluctantly with an annoyed expression on her face. "My name is Olivia Abner, I'm 21yrs old and I like to use my phone," Olivia said with an indifferent expression. After her introduction, there were whispers and chatter in the room. "Can I ask a question, are you Mr. Abner's daughter," Starr asked with a curious expression on her face.

"Yeah, and what's it to you," Olivia answered with the same expression on her face. "No-Nothing," Starr answered. "The person next to Olivia and in that order." Ms. Lilian said. Noelle went to the front of the class and started her introduction.

"My name is Noelle Silver, I'm 20yrs old and I like gaming," Noelle said shyly. After her introduction, there were whispers in the room. Some were speculating if Noelle was indeed the popular gamer under the name Noelle101. And as usual, Starr spoke up. "Noelle are you Noelle101, or is it just a coincidence," Starr asked.

"Yes, I am Noelle101," Noelle answered. "Wow, that's so cool," Starr said with a smile on her face. The introductions went came to an end after a few people introduced themselves. After that, the first lesson of the class took place and everyone paid attention. Not more than an hour later, the lessons came to an end, and everyone went to their various routes. Some people stayed behind to ask Noelle some gaming-related questions.

"So Noelle how does it feel to be a popular gamer." One boy asked. "Um it feels ordinary, I just like playing games so I don't care about the fame," Noelle answered. "Wow, I'm so jealous Noelle, I'm not that good at gaming maybe you could teach me sometime." One girl said. "Yeah no problem, I'd love to," Noelle said with a smile on her face.

Unknown to everyone Olivia was in a corner staring at them. "Since when did our roles get reversed, I should be surrounded by them not her," Olivia said aloud. "I hate my dad he's the reason for my current situation, and Noelle as I said back in fourth grade I'll get back at both you and Jason. Phase one has already been completed now for phase two" Olivia said before walking away.

After everyone had dispersed, Noelle had to go to work. So she boarded the train and went back to campus to eat, shower and change. When she entered the dorm she was greeted by a snoring Maya and Liam watching a movie. "Hey, Liam," Noelle said. "Oh hey, Noelle where did you go, I haven't seen you all day," Liam said. "I was meeting Jason and after that, I went for extra classes," Noelle answered. "Oh ok, wait what!" Liam said astonished.

"He explained everything to me and we patched things up," Noelle answered chuckling. "Mhm, he thinks about his childhood friend but not his best friend. I am jealous." Liam said fake pouting. "Don't worry I'm sure you'll meet him soon," Noelle said chuckling.

It was 4:30 pm, so Noelle had a lot of time on her hands before work. She decided to make pasta and meatballs and shower. She grabbed the ingredients and started making them. She boiled the spaghetti and made the meatballs. After draining the spaghetti she mixed it with the sauce and added the meatballs. "Something smells nice," Maya said wiping her drool. She had woken up to the cooking of Noelle.

"Maya you know you're weird right, just some minutes ago you were asleep and know you're awake and hungry," Noelle said as she was setting the table.

"You know your cooking is incredible, so don't be surprised if it wakes me up from my sleep," Maya said. "Yeah, Maya is right your cooking is amazing," Liam said, backing up Maya. "Thanks, now the food's ready to eat, come before it gets cold," Noelle said. Maya and Liam came to the dining area and started eating. "This is just amazing, thanks for the food, Noelle," Liam said. "No problem Liam," Noelle said smiling.

After eating the food and cleaning up the dishes, Noelle went straight to her room and took a shower. She finished showering, dried her hair, and picked out her clothes. She went for a pink straight dress, black jacket and a black pair of knee boots. After she finished it was 5:55 pm. She headed out and went to work.

When she reached her workplace, she saw a familiar face she didn't expect to see there, Starr. "Starr? what are you doing here." Noelle asked curiously. "Uh I work here Noelle didn't you notice," Starr asked surprised. "Um no sorry," Noelle answered nervously. "No problem, I came up to you in class because I recognized you," Starr answered calmly. "Ok get to your stations." The boss said.

After an hour and thirty minutes, Noelle was off work and she headed home. She went straight to her room and slumped on her bed. "Man, today was extremely tiring, I just hope Jason keeps true to his promise," Noelle said, as she drifted off to sleep.