“Now that everything has been resolved, let’s go back to school because we have lessons tomorrow excluding Leo,” Liam said.

They decided on going to school because one whole week off from school wasn’t going to boost their grades.

“Bold of you to assume I don’t learn whiles you’re away,” Liam said. He had been learning more than ever now that he was away from school.

“Oh, you do learn. Then let me correct myself,” Liam said while clearing his throat. “Let’s go back to school because we have lessons tomorrow including Liam,”

“Now you’re on the right track let’s go I’m starving and I know that you two are too,” Leo said laughing right after because of the pun he made.

Maya and Liam stood there observing him out of sheer curiosity, he was the same person who snapped minutes ago, and now he’s laughing as if he has no problems in the world. He was really an amazing person, and they were glad to have him as a friend.