As Chantelle kept narrating what had happened, Noelle had a look of horror on her face. Even though they weren’t exactly friends, Noelle was still worried about Cara’s health.
On the other hand, Maya found it hard to believe as Cara had left earlier after Noelle had ran up to her bedroom. So she decided to test Chantelle to see if it was true.
“You said she was coughing loudly? How come, Cara’s room is on the far end and yours is close to Noelle’s so why couldn’t we hear her?” Maya asked.
As Maya was interrogating Chantelle, Noelle rushed to Cara’s room and check if she was there for real. A wave of relief and anger washed over her as she saw there was no one occupying the room at that moment.
Noelle stormed into her room and slapped Chantelle across the face.
“How could you do something so childlike, Chantelle? Do you know how worried I was about Cara?! Even though we are not friends she still lives in this dorm and as long as she’s here I Care about her,” Noelle yelled.