"Daisy, I need you to eat this, it's healthy," Pippa said desperately.
"I don't like that, it's wheat bread," Daisy whined. Naomi hadn't come back all night, and now, Pippa was trying to feed the girls breakfast. Even though it was morning, she felt exhausted. How did Naomi ever manage?
Frances was no help, eating her slice of bread silently while reading an antique book she had found, entitled Under Drake's Flag.
"Please, eat your breakfast," Pippa begged.
"What's this I hear?" Naomi was suddenly next to them. "Are you not listening to Pippa, Daisy? You know I put her in charge."
Daisy nodded. "I don't want to eat it, it's yucky."
"It's good for you, and if you eat it, you can have the last apple. Would you like that?"
Daisy agreed, and Naomi leaned toward Pippa. "You did your best. She needs to learn to listen."
"She listens to you," Pippa muttered. Everybody always loved and obeyed Naomi, while she wasn't assertive enough to command her way out of a papet bag.
"She will listen to you," Naomi promised. Pippa noticed how happy she looked, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkling.
Frances looked up from her book. "Oh hi," she said. "What was it like with Judah? Did you, you know..." She started miming with her hands.
"Stop that this minute!" Naomi glared at Frances. "You're much too young to be talking about...that sort of thing."
"I'm twelve years old," Frances shrugged. "I know how it works."
"Shut up, you."
Pippa looked at Naomi, feeling happy for her. The older girl seemed to spend all her time helping others. It was high time she had some fun of her own.
Frances peered past Daisy, now eating her apple. "Who's that coming into camp?"
"It's Angelica," Pippa realized. "The Falcon chief."
They watched as the slim, dark figure went up to Judah and urgently spoke to him. He looked surprised.
"What do you suppose she's saying?" Frances wondered.
"It's private chief busness, I expect," Naomi said, though she sounded unsure.
"Do you see how desperate she looks?" Frances pointed out. "It's something big, I bet."
They saw Judah and Angelica come over to where the four girls sat in front of their shelter. "Naomi, Angelica wants us to help her clan depose Morgan."
"What has she done now?" Naomi asked.
"What hasn't she done?" Angelica demanded. "You know how she murdered three of my girls, for a ritual that doesn't even do anything. One of those girls was my sister. You'd know about that, Naomi." The other girl looked away. "I have had enough. The Falcons will not be pushed around any more by that sorry excuse for a master. You know she's only in charge because she's been in the Lost World the longest. It's time for things to change here."
"What do you think?" Judah asked Naomi.
"You should consider it," Naomi said, stroking the top of Daisy's curly head. "Just remember that should it come to war, Morgan will not show mercy. Children will be hurt. Children could die. Do you want even more young girls to die for your sister, Angelica?"
"I'll be back to hear your answer," the Falcon chief said to Judah. She strode out of camp.
"This is bad," Pippa said, full of apprehension. She remembered what Morgan had said to her on the night of the gathering. Once the Master found out about Angelica's rebellion, sge would be angry.
And then she would crush them all.