Chapter 67 - The Memories (6)

Rea shakes her head, "I wouldn't. I would never wish for your death. I come here to plead for Lord Valon life, I would be crazy if that request would risk your life. I wouldn't want that!" she shakes her head repeatedly, stating the truth of her words.

Elleryn finds it doubtful, the list of things that Rea had mentioned would require her to use more than one spell and energy. The usage of said spells would greatly disadvantage her and the consequences would be grave. It was her initial decision to sacrifice herself if that could determine the safety of Suttern, but her plan would end with the death of Valon Grioyt. Now that Rea has spoken of an unexpected enemy, she must think once again, perhaps Rea plan could at the very least save herself.

Rea reaches inside her cloak, she puts out her hand and shows it to the Crown Princess. The Black Pearl of the South Sea. Glowing its power for the world to see.
