"Is that what I think it is?" Asked Katy, terrified and fascinated.

"No way, is that a wormhole?" Asked Eric, staring uneasily at Katy.

"Shouldn't a wormhole be spherical? You know, a rip in the fabric of 3d space?"

"Yeah. You're right."

"Why then does this look like a rip? It's like a crack in a wall."

"A crack in spacetime. Is this a doorway to the 4th spatial dimension?"

"Doubtful," Katy said as she slowly approached the crack.

"What the heck are you doing?" Eric asked in a worried tone.

"I'm going to check it out, are you coming along?

"Are you insane? We don't even know what that is. Interacting with it may cause a nuclear-like explosion, maybe even worse."

"Come on, let's check it out."

They both approached the crack cautiously, Eric lagging. Katy took some photos with her mobile device as they got closer.

"This is beautiful, so fascinating," Eric said while trying to touch the crack.

He paused for a moment, exchanging glances with Katy before withdrawing his hand.

"Not a good idea," said Eric.

"You think?" Katy responded.

"It's strange that it doesn't emit any heat or sound....weird."

"Maybe we're currently receiving heavy doses of harmful radiation without even knowing it."

'Hold on." Katy said. She took a handful of dirt as she dug her fingers into the Earth.

"What are you doing?" Confused Eric asked.

"Curious to see what'll happen if something interacted with the slit."

Katy responded curtly.

"Can we please pick a name for this?"

"There's a crack in spacetime and you're only worried about a name? Really?"

"Crack it is then. The word 'slit' doesn't sit right with me."

Shrugging Eric's remarks, Katy carefully got closer to the crack, she threw the dirt she had into the crack.

The crack gave a loud ringing sound and a hiss upon making contact with the dirt. The light being emitted churned for a few seconds before stabilizing.

"Holy shit shit shit," they both exclaimed in unison.

"Did you see that?" Eric screamed, his pupils dilated, his pitch high. Katy couldn't tell if he was scared or excited.


"Wait, is that a wormhole?"

One of the scientists asked.

"Definitely. But, is it one of time, spacetime, space, or multiple spaces?"

Dr. Tyrell rhetorically asked.

"Perhaps, it's a burst of energy caused by self-interacting particles within a closed space, leading to the creation of a pocket dimension," said Dr. Luther.

"There's nothing special, we already have wormholes in the form of teleways. A rip in spacetime isn't a new thing. We've been playing with it for a while now,"

Dr. Smith explained.

"True. But this is the first time we'll have a self-sustaining wormhole without the aid of a teleway. We punctured a hole through spacetime itself. This is not a hack."

Dr. Luther said, Concisely.

"Any moment now," Dr. Smith whispered under her breath.

"Listen, can anybody hear that?" Dr. Lawson asked, alarmed.

The room became silent after her statement, everyone was trying to get a grasp of what Dr. Lawson said

"Oh my God!" Dr. Tryrell exclaimed.

Everyone in the room looked at one another in astonishment.

"It's coming from the crack. Are those....... why does it sound like people are having a conversation at the other side of the wall?" Asked Dr. Lawson.

"It's really obvious. There are people on the other side." Dr. Smith said firmly.

"How can you be so sure?" Dr. Lawson asked, still in denial.

"Quickly, let's expand the rift. Few more energies to go.." Dr. Tyrell said, rushing to the monitor.

"Hold on, aren't we forgetting something?"

"Oh! Dr. Norton isn't here... we have to be all present to witness this moment."

"It's time, we need you here." Katy's voice came over the phone.

"Ok. On my way." Dr. Norton said calmly, before hanging up.

There was an old photo in his hand. It was a photo of Mr. Richardson. Below the photo, it read Mr. Richards 2049.

He gave a smile as he stared at the photo.

"How ironic. It won't be long now old man, our suffering will soon be over."

As Dr. Smith put down the mobile device, she and her team witnessed an activity within the crack. It gave off a loud ringing sound and a hiss. These were accompanied by an emission of light that churned for a few seconds before stabilizing.

"Something is interacting with the crack on the other side."

"Something or someone?"

"We'll find out soon enough." Mr. Norton said curtly as he stepped out of the teleway.

"Took you long enough." Dr. Tyrell said.

"What's the situation?" Dr. Norton inquired.

"Well, we gave it a little juice from the eye, I believe we've made contact. But we're yet to confirm."

"What are we waiting for then, let's finish this thing."

Dr. Tryrell had a look of contempt on his face after hearing this.

"Very well, let's have at it." Dr. Tyrell gave the order.

The huge stream of energy once again hit the crack. The churning intensified, and the ringing grew louder for minutes. Minutes passed by, the cloudy crack became a transparent film.

"That's enough." Dr. Tyrell barked.

"Magnificent," a scientist whispered.

On the other side of the crack, there were two teenagers, around 18-20 years of age. They had both hands covering their ears. Probably from the intense noise. Both parties stare, their gazes fixed. Each looked through the crack from their end.


"I told you, this is a wormhole, probably connecting to the future," Eric explained. His voice was now calm, but it was difficult to contain his excitement.

"Why are they staring?" Katy asked, gesturing at Eric.

"Maybe they can't hear us, or they can't understand us. A language barrier?" Eric responded.


"Apologies! I can't think straight. Too excited."

"Get a hold of yourself then." Katy admonished.

"I think I'm good now. It appears these individuals on the other side are as surprised as we are. A rip in spacetime isn't a normal occurrence, at least not for us."

"Maybe. I have a feeling this wormhole was put here by them." Katy said curtly.

"A feeling? How did you arrive at that conclusion? Was it the lab coats, the high-tech sci-fi equipment, or the fact that I'm looking at another wormhole in the lab through this one?" Eric said sarcastically referring to the teleway.

"One more sly remark and I'll push you through."

"Hello little ones, we can all hear you, you know?" Dr. Smith said from the other side of the crack.


The team of scientists gave the youngsters some time to take in the shock.

"Uhmm, Dr. Smith, Dr. Norton. Remember the last office party, where we brought our most embarrassing photos?"

"Not now Dr. Lawson." Dr. Smith cautioned.

"Why do those two kids look like you guys?" Dr. Lawson gestured.

"It appears we've opened a passage to the past, Dr. Lawson."

"Doubtful." Dr. Norton said curtly.

"What's the date over there?" Asked Dr. Tyrell.

Eric and Katy took their time to answer. This interaction seemed like a dream. It was quite daunting.

"'s July 19th," Katy responded. Still shaky from the experience.


"It's 2110," Katy concluded.

"Hmmm, strange. This is the same date as ours." Dr. Luther said.

"Of course." Dr. Norton said.

"Congratulations! We've just connected two different universes." Dr. Norton concluded.

"I guess we just disproved the Copenhagen zealots." Dr. Lawson said playfully.

"This is remarkable. But I wonder....."

"You're right to think such Dr. Tryrell." Dr. Norton said, interrupting him.


"The answer is yes. You can also access different periods in both universes."

"Wait, how did you know what I was thinking?"

"You seem to know more about this project than we do Dr. Norton. Do you have anything to tell us?"

"I'm glad you appreciate my genius Dr. Tyrell, but I have no idea what you're talking about. The case of reading your thoughts, that's called deduction, there's nothing to tell."

"Doubtful. You somehow know the precise solutions to our calculations, you anticipated the energy demands for the slit. I'm not even going to talk about the eye, you've always been steps ahead. Sometimes, I feel we're slowing you down. If you could do all this on your own, I bet you wouldn't need us. You know more than you let on Dr. Norton."

"I don't know where this is coming from Dr. Tyrell. But I do sympathize with your plight. Not all minds can grasp my capabilities." Dr. Norton said, with a smirk.

"For some weird reason, that guy reminds me of you," Katy said to Eric.

They've been observing the whole drama happening on the other side of the crack. They are both witnesses to this remarkable event of universe crossing and time traveling. They almost forgot that they were at a party until Eric's phone rang.

"Wait, what do you mean? I'm nothing like that guy. He's cocky and obnoxious." Eric replied defensively.

"Oh! The irony." Katy responded, her palm over her face.

"Will you at least answer the call, your sister must be worried sick right now."

Erica: Where the hell are you dip shit?

Eric: I'm with Katy in the woods. We're star-gazing.

Erica: Oh, so, that's what you guys call it these days huh?

Eric: Not now Erica

Erica: If you guys are going at it without protection, I swear to God.....

Eric: Bye.

"Why the hell did you hang up on her?"

"My sister implying I'm having sexual intercourse with you, on a night where I'm observing a wormhole with a group of genius scientists who, for all we can tell -are probably aliens- is just too much."

"Wait, you mean you can't have sex with me or you're uncomfortable doing it in front of a wormhole?"

For a brief moment, the tension was so thick one could cut it with a knife. It was an awkward situation for both of them. Luckily, the session was interrupted by another call.

Erica: Listen to me you piece of shit. You better bring your ass over here or I'll come to drag it for you. The party's over. We're leaving.

Eric: We're on our way.

Erica: Good. For the record, I don't care. You can die in the woods.

She hung up.

"Your sister really loves you. You guys do have a strange relationship."

Katy quickly responded in an attempt to deviate from the situation they were in before the call.

"Nah. Pretty sure she's a special demon sent from hell to torment me."

They were interrupted by a ringing noise from the crack. At this moment, they were reminded that they weren't alone this whole time. The other side of the crack didn't notice though. They were busy questioning the integrity of Dr. Norton, except for Dr. Smith. She just watched and listened.

As the ringing noise intensified, the crack became cloudy, light began to churn as it shrinks.

"What's happening?" Dr. Tyrell asked.

"The crack was opened on borrowed energy. It wasn't sufficient enough to keep it open permanently, it's closing." Dr. Norton said swiftly.

"Let's pump more energy then."

"That would be unwise. We could cause an explosion, a supernova explosion. The conditions while it was being opened are not similar to when it was closing. It is unstable. We're talking about gaps between universes here. This is not Child's play Dr. Tyrell."

This was the last thing heard by Katy and Eric did before the crack closed on them.

"Holy shit," exclaimed Eric.

"Maybe if I just stand for a little while, this whole dream will end and I'll just wake up. I'm probably sleeping at the party from your boring explanations...."

"There you are. What the hell are you guys doing out here?" Erica interrupted them. She was panting and also angry.

"I told you, star gazing."

"This is too far off for a mere star-gazing moment," Erica said, making gestures at Eric.

"Yeah yeah. We get it. Can you please stop making sexual references? It's really uncomfortable."

"And Katy, you should know better. Don't tell me he's having an influence on you." Erica said, ignoring Eric's existence.

"Sorry Erica, we got carried away. Won't happen again." Katy apologized.

"Why the hell are you apologizing to her?"

"Perhaps you can learn something from your girlfriend Eric."

Katy felt blood rushing to her face after Erica made the remark. The feeling of awkwardness also reminded her of the comment she made earlier about sex with Eric in front of the now-closed wormhole. This memory made her cringe, she felt like vanishing.

"She's not my girl....."

"Blah blah.. whatever. Let's go home. Gotta report to mom. You have to be in the video call or she'll kill me. Oh! Don't forget your toys."

As they packed up their instruments, Katy felt a static charge on her hand upon contact.



"Nothing. Just static shock."

"How the hell did you manage to bring this junk here."

"I brought a backpack," she answered Erica.

"You should've brought something else along." Erica winked at Katy and then briefly looked at Eric who was moving his hands through the air, the same movements in a yoga exercise.

Katy gave a shy smile.

"We gotta go weirdo" Erica commanded.

Eric's euphoria was interrupted. His hands moving through the electrically-charged air gave him a feeling he enjoyed. He shrugged and went with them as they left the woods.

Behind them, the dirt where the wormhole was previously opened floated, suspended water droplets, and a faint ringing sound could be seen and heard under the pale moonlight.


"Given the chain of command, you will respect my discretion."

"How can I do that when you keep secrets, information crucial to the project."

"It's ironic, really. Every piece of information I've shared was crucial to the success of this project. If I kept secrets, we wouldn't be where we are right now. Heck, we wouldn't have made any progress. You're welcome."

"Enough with the ego. Dr. Norton."

"You are not interested in the facts Dr. Tyrell. You're interested in my motives. My motives are not important, results are. We are a team and should work as such. This is how we got the gravitons, the teleways, heck, this is how we've built this company."

"Very well then. I'll be at my station if you need me." Dr. Tyrell stormed off.

"So, when do we commence reopening?" A fellow scientist asked.

"Well, anytime. And seeing the fluctuation readings we're getting, the energy requirements will be less. It'll be like reopening a fresh wound with a bandaid on." Dr. Luther explained.

Dr. Lawson, looking uneasily, asked, "what about those kids, what if they tell others, inviting them to the crack? What if we open the wormhole next time and see a crowd waiting for us?" She gestured. She was surprised that no one brought it up.

"It's unlikely that the next wormhole would be at the same location....."

"Or time," Dr. Luther interrupted Dr. Smith.


she continued.

"This wormhole isn't like the teleways, there's nothing to lock the location, no pins on coordinates. We're basically dealing with mother nature here. In this scenario, she's naked and chaotic."

"Just like Ma Kali."

Dr. Norton chipped in.

"Didn't know you were religious," said Dr. Smith.

"I'm not. I'm just a man who is uncomfortable with ignorance. I seek after knowledge. If you take some time, you'll find one useful stuff in eastern metaphysics."

"Wait, do you believe in god all of a sudden?"

"The existence of a god bears no significance to me.

Besides, A being, smart enough to create a universe so vast with intricate functionalities won't be concerned about human affairs.

The cognitive gap is just too much. But we humans are masters of self-delusion."

The room went quiet, a soft buzzing sound in the background followed by tiny sparks of churning light.

"The wormhole is acting up again," Dr. Lawson exclaimed.


"How was the party, you had fun?"

Mrs. Smith asked her daughter as she walked through the door.

"Yeah mom, it was great." She said, planting a peck on her mum's cheek.

"Wait, but who walks around with a telescope though?"

"Hello dad, goodnight dad," was Katy's response to her father.

"Ignore your father honey, he knows nothing about passion and dedication,"

her mom said, sitting cuddly in her husband's arms. They were watching a TV show.

"Goodnight mom. I'll be in my room," she said as she hurriedly walked up the stairs."

"What do you mean? I'm definitely a dedicated and passionate man."

"Yeah right."

"Remember that painting you started, the guitar lessons, the dance lessons...oh! How about the Mandarin classes?"

"Well, I'm dedicated and passionate about you." He said warmly.

"I know, and that's why I love you, honey". She leaned in to kiss him.

Eric had his daily evening drama with his sister before moving to his room. He hopped in his bed, powered his phone, and got his thumbs moving swiftly.

Eric: Today was absolutely crazy.

Katy: You don't have to tell me.

Eric: like, we just spoke with other humans (probably), across universes.

I can't sleep. I'm too excited.

Katy: You're excited? I'm worried.

Eric: Why though?

Katy: Well, for starters, why did they open the wormhole, why here?

Eric: You're suspecting an Alien invasion? Haha

Katy: If they have sufficient knowledge and the tech to tear a hole across universes.....what makes you think they're not a potential threat?

Eric: I don't think it matters. There's nothing we can do to stop them even if they mean harm. They're way ahead of us.

Katy: perhaps. Anyway, I don't like that cocky dude though. Don't know why but he scares me.

Eric: We fear that which we do not understand.

Katy: That is so clichè.

Katy: It was nice seeing you today.

Eric: Likewise. If you hadn't brought your telescope along, we wouldn't have gone to the woods, we wouldn't have seen the wormhole. Such coincidences. Sort of makes you wonder.

Katy: Uhm yeah. Ok

Katy: So, you're gonna check there tomorrow?

Eric: Most definitely.

Katy: It's a date then.

Eric: ok.

Katy: A date, not like a date date. Don't get any ideas.

Eric: I'm not.

Katy cursed herself for typing that. What was she thinking?

They spent most of the night talking about the wormhole, and the physics, math, and tech needed to pull it off. They had an intensive discussion before signing off.

Eric was sure, he had no doubts. The cocky guy Katy referred to was definitely the guy in his dreams. One of the ladies reminded him of Katy. She seemed like the one he was being intimate with, in his dreams, except she had Katy's face.

Are his dreams experiences from alternate versions of himself? Has he been experiencing the other universe through his dreams? He ran through these thoughts in his head. He decided to keep this information to himself for now, even from Katy.

He went to bed with fascination. There were no dreams for Eric that night. But he wasn't the only one who has been experiencing cross-dimensional dreams.