The car slowly came to a halt on the driveway. she packed her things, locked the door, and headed for the entrance...

"Hey, Mom."


She responded

"How's Alfred doing?"

She asked jeeringly.

"He's doing just fine, Erica?"

"Ah. Do you see a future with him?"

Her Mom hesitated...

"Why the sudden and intense interest?"

"Well, it seems I might have a new stepdad."

"Whoa! Slow down your horses, young lady. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here."

"Okay. Now I'm confused. What's really going on between you two?"

"Look honey, I just got back. Let's do this another time, I am tired."

"Do you love him, mom?"

It was apparent no answer was forthcoming.

Her mom gave her the look of "for fuck's sake"

"Oh my God!!!"

Erica exclaimed.

"Look, it's complicated."

Her mom tried to validate her silence.

"Nah. I get it."

"It's not that......."

"I'm not interested in this conversation, mom. Just do you. But please let the young man know."