"Everything is until it isn't"

"Everything is until it isn't"

"Everything is until it isn't"

Dr. Norton muttered as he stared at his whiteboard while fiddling with the marker held between his fingers.

"Two universes, infinite timelines all tied together in an eternal causal loop. Every attempt to end the loop has led to this very moment. I've already done this an infinite number of times, I'm doing it right now and I'll do it again. But if everything I'm doing has already been done, this means I've already ended the loop. But if I'd ended the loop, I wouldn't still be here doing all these. None of this would even exist. This doesn't make any sense."

Dr. Norton said to himself as he pondered on the equations he had written on the whiteboard.

"LUCY said we're in the process of ending the loop, but all processes within the loop have already happened. Unless......."

He gave a long pause as the look of realization possessed his face.

"Holy Shit."