As she went further down the ally, the sun was almost gone, and this area was not enlightened with streetlamps, it was the poorest area of the entire city, and no one in their right mind came down here by their own will. As she saw how fast the sun was setting, she began to run. The bullying had been bad earlier that day and she had dropped all the books over the entire floor, someone had helped her with picking them up by gathering a few of the books and handing them to her, but she had been way to busy with getting home, that she didnt even see who helped her. The bullying made her a bit late this afternoon, but she had to make it home in time for making the dinner. While she was running, she felt her cold body hurting, but if she kept going, she would get the body warmed up or at least she hoped so. Suddenly, she fell on the bricks, all the books flew out of her hands for the second time this day and she landed hard on the cold, wet hard bricks. Trying to protect her head she tried catching herself by using her hands and she felt a sharp pain in her left wrist, but she couldn’t care less “no no no no no” she was on the brink of crying, she began gathering the books again, hoping that the rain wouldn’t destroy them. She needed them to help the little ones. As she was crawling around the trying to pick up all of the books, she felt someone’s presence behind her. What should she do? No one walked around in this area unless they had some creepy business. However, she didn’t feel as on edge as she should. Suddenly the hand began picking up the books with her, she got up and he extended the books to her. She turned her head towards the helper and saw the silhouette of what she thought must be, the most beautiful being on earth. She stuttered “thank you” her voice was low almost non-existent. The silhouette stood in total silence, just looking at her, several minutes went by.
She began shaking, to add into the cold she was now wet, suddenly the silhouette talked. “ are you hurt, his voice made her feel safe and she felt a shiver down her spine. Her best comparison was a baritone. Low and manly. She got very flustered standing there, wet with a ton of books with the godly silhouette talking to her. “not much only my wrist.” He took her books and said slowly, “this area is dangerous for a young girl like you, why are you walking around this dangerous place.” “crap” she began running towards the orphanage, she was late, she couldn’t be late. She didn’t want to lose her safe place. She didn’t notice the silhouette following her. She soon reached the gates of the orphanage, they were tall, dark and made of heavy iron. The building looked sad, almost as a ghost house from a horror movie. She sighed with relief, the sun wasn’t all gone, she made it! She stopped to open the gates.
Behind her, she heard footsteps and turned her head around. She saw the silhouette again. He stopped right in front of her. He still had her books in his hand. She froze on the spot, not knowing what he wanted. He reached out, took her left wrist, he lifted the hand up to his lips, and he kissed it, he kissed her bruised wrist. She couldn’t believe what was happening, she felt her entire body shiver, and heat going up to her chins, what was this crazy man doing. She didn’t know him. Her brain finally kicked in and she took her hand away from him, and then looked the silhouette in the eyes, they were some sort of green, she couldn’t see it clearly. But she just knew those were the most beautiful eyes she was ever going to see in her lonely life. She tried to gain control over her voice and said, “why are you following me?”
He opened his mouth “you forgot the books, I thought you might need them.” Ashamed she took the books and let out a small cry, when the weight of the books was in her hands again. “th.. thank you” she stuttered. His eyes narrowed as he looked at her face, he could see she was in pain. “Do you want me to help you carry the books inside.” Her face almost changed to a panicked grimace and said “no, no but thank you for the offer.” She could feel the panic, she needed to go inside and make the oatmeal for the kids, the headmaster would be here to inspect her and her work 15 minutes after the sundown, and all the kids needed to be in their dorm room by that time.
She opened the gate with her hips and walked as fast as she could till, she reached the door. The man had followed her to the door, “what Is your name?” She looked at him wondering she should tell him or not, but on the other side, by his looks, it didn’t seem like she would ever see him again. It didn’t look like he belonged in this area, unless he had visited one of the workers in the ally. She shook her head, “Hannah, my name is Hannah.” He repeated her name, as if he tried the taste of it. “take care Hannah”, he then pressed down on the door handle, opening the door, turned around and walked away. She stood a second and then she heard the chaos inside. With her hip she pushed the door so she could slip inside.