A new look

At the University it was a competition and the prize was A trip to Italy.

Each student prepared songs, sport activities etc.

The judge was composed by 5 members very well knows for what they achieved in time.

It was very hard but Joohan succeed to win the big prize with his song.

He found out that the winner could take one person with him in that trip.

First person who came in his mind was Haruna. He smiled inside.

Joohan went home and first thing was to call Haruna.

Haruna: - Hello!

Joohan: - Hi! I want to talk with you!

Haruna: - About what?

Joohan: - Can we meet?

Haruna: - Now?

Joohan: - Are you busy?

Haruna: - I have things to do!

Joohan: - When you finish?

Haruna: - Around 4:PM.

Joohan: - Ok. See you later.

Haruna was thinking about what he wanted to talk with her.

4:PM Joohan was in front of the building where Haruna had practice.

The guard asked: - Hello Sir! Are you looking for someone?

Joohan: - Yes. My girlfriend.