Chapter 21: The Bet

️Belinda's P.O.V️

"What...I'm I that bad? You don't like the kiss?" He asked softly in a sexy tone, still lying on top of me.

"No, nooo that's not it, gosh! I wish this moment never ends! But I think we're rushing this! We can't solve things with just a kiss!" I admitted.

"Bel, listen. Look at me, I'm here, you are here and that's what really matters." He tried to convince me.

"No, everything can't be keeping Merly's pictures in your phone and tell me everything is okay! I'm sorry, but everything is wrong for as long as you keep holding onto your past!" I yelled, picked up my bag, indicated that I just want to go back home but he couldn't let me instead he pulled me in for a really tight hug.

"Don't get like this, please." He begged.

Where you really leaving without a proper good bye?! Here, see! Merly, deleted! All photos, erased! Happy now?!