Chapter 68: Charleta's Favorite

Jesper's P.O.V

"No it's okay." Charleta and I said at once after Breyson barged in.

I don't even know how everything happened. I can't tell how my lips ended up on Cat face's lips.

"This isn't real. That was definitely not me kissing Cat face like my whole life depended on that kiss." I thought while feeling my lips with my hands. My gaze focused on Charleta, I couldn't stop staring at her and I failed to understand why?

"What is she doing to me? " I wondered.

"What is happening to me?!" I kept wondering.

"I'm so so sorry to barge in like this. Gosh! I hate myself because of that." Breyson apologized.

"It's okay! I jus__" Cat face and I cut ourselves off after realizing that we had spoken at once and said the same words.

"I wil__" We said at the same time once again. Breyson smiled and turned away. I knew he was busy silently laughing at me.