Greetings lovely supporters!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the love and support you've given me. Thank you for walking this journey that has been full of trials, some that have hindered me from delivering more chapters.

That's part of life, I know you too have been through some thick moments that might have stopped you from pushing.

Life has really been hard out here, I reached the extent of giving up but then I remembered the story I'm writing, it is supposed to inspire people and I am one of those people.

So here I am happy to inform you all that after Ramadhan I'm bringing in more chapters that I've been writing. I think that will be next week. So tune in to Webnovel and let's get to see if THE LOVE WE NEVER KNEW can survive all tests that it's currently facing.

Also before I forget, if you want to interact with me directly, check me out on tiktok @nhajjira7

WhatsApp: +256778021530

Much love and respect