Un Giorno Fuori Dall'Ordinario

Helena was awake since four in the morning, the reason was clear, Asriel woke up very hungry, and now Helena was with Asriel in a kangaroo that was tied to her chest and combing her baby's rebellious hair, probably pulled from her father, the woman then put on her boots and left the house to lock her up.

Helena then started her walk to the university where she taught Biological Sciences and Literature, she practically lived at the University, as she had to teach in the morning, in the afternoon and sometimes at night, other times she needed to use video calls with the classes to be able to teach.

The girl was very loved by her students who understood her situation and helped her in what they could, either putting Asriel to sleep while she explained content, or distracting her so that the teacher could go to the bathroom.

-- It is my little star today the day will be busy. --He said surrounding the kangaroo in which his baby was with his right arm and thought of the test that would apply to five of his classes .-- I think there is a student four who asked for sick leave.

Helena stopped looking at the red light for pedestrians and took the opportunity to check on her phone who was the student who had warned her last night. The girl put her cell phone away and looked at the light again, now it was green, until it was fast, Helena started to cross the street but stopped when Asriel started crying, she then started to shake her body, holding Asriel more firmly, as she did were you still hungry?

Helena barely took a step forward and felt an impact on the left side of her body, instinctively she flinched as she fell and protected her baby's head with her right arm. The impact didn't hurt so much, but Helena had fallen over her left arm, as she turned in midair and fell with her left side down she didn't know, but she felt an excruciating pain spreading down her arm, the tears came to her. surfaced and the woman got up with difficulty listening to her daughter's crying she soon looked at her checking and thanking the gods that she was well holding her tight and shaking her slightly to try to calm her down.

-- Alright, it's alright. -- He said as more tears fell from his eyes, the pain only increased with the sudden movement of his body, Helena looked towards the car realizing that some people were coming to her worried and asking if she and the baby were fine. -- Yes, I am.

-- No dear, your left arm looks broken. - Said a woman a little older. -- My god is broken!

-- How does anyone do that to a woman who has a baby?-- Said an incredulous and incredibly angry man.

-- I'm fine, I need to go I have a test to apply now and-

-- Not really, that irresponsible driver has to pay. -- Said another lady who seemed more experienced.

-- Oh there is no need to disturb the other Ahjumma. I'm fine, I just have to get to the university

-- I take you to the hospital. -- A serious male voice was present behind the ladies who opened their eyes wide looking back, there was a man in a suit, he was really handsome, extremely handsome .-- My driver is irresponsible , tsc.

-- Ah, so it was you who hit that girl with the car? - Said the third lady hitting the man with the bag. -- My son is a policeman, I'll call him and make sure you don't get out of prison!

-- Eh, Ahjumma, not so much, yes? See my arm looks great. -- Helena said trying to move her left arm failing miserably.

-- Tsc, I already said you were my driver. -- Said the man in the suit. -- Come on, I'll take you to the hospital and pay the expenses.

-- I already said that it is not necessary sir, I may as well teach like this.

--With your arm hurting? -- He asked and Helena confirmed. -- And how will you take care of your daughter like that ?!

Helena looked at Asriel who stopped crying and was looking intently at her mother with wide blue eyes. Helena snorted and thought for a moment.

-- Oh, all right.

-- Wait, here .-- The first lady put a piece of paper inside the side pocket of the kangaroo .-- My number, in case you need something just call me dear.

-- Thank you Ahjumma .-- Helena said giving a kiss on the cheeks of the three ladies thanking them for their concerns.

-- Come on.-- said the man, turning, Helena followed him to the black luxury car.

The man opened the car door and Helena fearfully entered the seat, settling in the seat, the man closed the door and went around entering the other side and instructing the driver to go to the hospital.

-- Miss, I just ... I just wanted to apologize for what I did I really couldn't brake in time and I-

-- Nah, Ahjussi doesn't have to worry ok? I'm fine, I have the health of a healthy adult wolf, see? -- Helena said flexing her right arm and smiling.

The driver smiled in relief. "I'm glad you are all right, but still a thousand pardons."

-- Look at the road before you run over someone else. -- Said the man in the stressed suit.

-- By the way, what's your name? -- Helena asks in an almost childlike tone while giving attention to her puppy.

-- And what's with that informal tone?-- He asked, looking at her.

-- I treat everyone like that, it's usual. -- Helena said while swinging her torso a little in an attempt to make Asriel sleep again. -- Can you get her blanket in the bag please? -- Said pointing to the white bag with details in black, pink and blue.

The man raised an eyebrow and took the bag that was beside the woman opening it and looking for such a blanket, the man took a small thick white cloth with skull details in black, the embroidered name was also kind of strange, Asriel, the The man handed the blanket to Helena, who shook his head, taking the blanket and turning to face the man.

-- Get her, please?

-- I have no way with children.

-- I didn't have it either, just get it please.

Suspicious, the man carefully took the baby out of the kangaroo, suspending it in the air half way away from him, Helena laughed and wrapped the blanket around the girl's shoulders, then passed the left side over her right shoulder and the right one over the left, like the the blanket was big it covered the baby's feet, the part that was left underneath was raised and fastened on top, Helena took a clip in the bag and fastened the blanket, the man then put the baby back inside the kangaroo.

-- Choi Hyun Shik .-- Said the same closing the bag and putting it next to the woman.

-- We arrived Mr. Choi.

Hyun got out of the car and redeemed him, opening the door for the girl who came down supporting the bag on the shoulder of the good arm, the man then walked on ahead and opened the glass door for the smaller one to enter.

-- Helena D'Angelo Amorin .-- Said the woman as she passed the doors of the hospital and followed to the counter. -- Good Morning.

-- Good morning, what can I do for you today?-- Said the woman behind the counter, smiling.

-- I need to treat my arm, this man's car hit me .-- Helena said casually, soon after she saw the woman's look over the young Mr Choi .-- I have a friend here in this hospital, I think she too treats injuries like that.

-- What doctor would it be? -- He said, looking back at Helena.

-- Park Soo Min. -- she said while adjusting Asriel on the kangaroo. -- She who delivered my baby a month ago.

-- Oh yes, wait, so this is Asriel? As she is cute, Dr. Park talks a lot about her, and shows some pictures of when she was in the nursery.

-- Haha, it's the face of Soo Min ...

-- Helena! -- A sweet voice said near the counter. -- Asriel!

The short woman soon tried to pick up the baby while she smiled.

-- I love this little girl, more and more beautiful than her mother.

-- Hey! I'm here, you know? -- Helena said, smiling.

-- What happened to you ?! -- He then said noticing the scratches and the left arm that was hanging motionless beside the woman.

-- I was run over, -- He said normally. -- By him.

-- It was the driver! -- Hyun said finally speaking.

-- Um ... Come on Helena, let's take care of your arm and injuries. Can Dong Bo please keep an eye on him?

-- I already told you to call me Oppa, I'm older than you Soo Min. -- Said a man who was passing by. -- What happened?

-- Sol Ah explains it to you .-- Soo Min then guided her friend to her office to take care of her arm.

Helena sat down while Soo Min did an x-ray of her arm and looked at her as if she was going to kill one.

-- If you keep making an ugly face you will get wrinkles. -- Said Helena laughing amused when Soo Min got scared and looked in the mirror.

-- Seriously Helena, you have to sue this guy! You can't let that go! The guy runs over you with the risk of hurting Asriel severely! -- Said Soo Min preparing everything to plaster her friend's arm.

-- I know that Soo Min, but I have other things to focus on today, find out where Asriel's father is, help out at the dance and fight academy, finish my book, teach ...

-- You need to take time for yourself, take care of yourself and Asriel .-- Soo Min stopped in front of her friend looking serious. - You know he won't want to take over Asriel don't you? It will end up disappearing again.

-- I know, but I think he has at least the right to know that he has a daughter!

-- What if he tries to take her from you Helena ?! Have you ever thought about it?!

-- He will not succeed, I know what he does, if he tries to poke with Asriel's guard he could end up in prison. -- She said while looking determinedly at her friend.

-- He must still use drugs then.

-- Unfortunately most people who get involved with this are unable to leave.

--Do you still keep in touch with them?-- Soo Min saw Helena's eyebrow lift and then sighed. --The Italian mafia, are you still in touch with some of them?

-- I could only keep an eye on Asriel's father through them.

Hyun Shik was truly concerned about Helena and Asriel, the truth was that he asked the driver to hurry up because of his meeting, the driver was nervous and forgot to brake, that was the case, and now he was on the phone canceling the meeting to which he was in a hurry to go and caused all that, maybe he should take a vacation.

-- So do Secretary Kim, tell them that a member of my family is sick. - He tried the man. -- And I specifically, I had to take him or take him to the hospital.

-- Mr Choi, I should have told you that your little brother heard about it and ended the meeting a few minutes ago, he made up some excuse and the negotiators of the other company have already left. -- Said the secretary calming her boss .

-- Great, reschedule for next week please. -- He ended the call and looked at the doctor in front of him, who was frowning at him. -- What?

-- Incompetent. -- The doctor said angrily. -- You will take Helena to sue you, sincerely.

The doctor walked away with long, heavy steps. Hyun even deserved that treatment.

-- For the love of God keep that arm immobile, and see if you can hire a nanny to take care of Asriel, or some friend.

-- Ok, I'll see what I do, now I really have to go to class. -- Said Helena saying goodbye to her friend, Hyun looked at the clock realizing how time had flown.

-- I take you to the university -- Said going to the brunette-- It is the least I can do, In addition to paying for the consultation.

-- Really nothing more than your obligation. -- Said the doctor while walking to a corridor.

-- Okay, I really need to get to the University fast.

-- Good morning!-- Helena said entering the room and putting her things on the table.

-- Teacher! What happened to your arm?

When the woman saw she was already seated in her chair and Asriel was on the lap of one of the girls, the boys helped her to remove the kangaroo and adjust herself in the chair, another one brought her coffee, another one soon wrote the word Prova! on the board and another handed out the sheets, they put the comfort drink on the table and put Asriel lying on it and sat down to do the test.

Helena smiled, loved her students, the woman took a sip of her coffee and shook the comfort drink a little. Soon there was a knock at the door, Helena got up and went to the door to open it.

-- Are you okay? Is my niece okay?Where is it that asshole?-- Helena's cousin asked as he held Helena's face and looked at her.

-- I'm fine, Asriel didn't suffer any scratches, the guy helped me to go to the hospital and with the medical expenses and brought me here. -- Said the brunette lowering her cousin's hands.

-- We have to find out who he is and then have a good conversation would be about care in traffic.

Helena let out a short laugh. -- If I'm not mistaken his name is Choi Hyun Shik.

-- Wait, wait a minute, the Choi Hyun Sik? The owner of the design company that we are going to close a deal with? - asks the brunette with wide eyes. - It doesn't have to be another ...

-- Hm ... I think it was him. -- Helena takes out her cell phone, unlocking it and accessing the gallery by selecting the first photo and showing it to her cousin. -- Really very beautiful by Korean standards.

-- He screwed.-- Said the youngest messing up his hair -- I have a meeting with him next week, it was rescheduled due to an accident of a ... It was an excuse not to bring to the attention of his negotiators that he ran over a woman with a baby.

-- I knew that forcing you to read would work.-- Helena said smiling -- Confirm with him for Monday-frirs, I will go with you, but as Andromeda, as I am the main writer and financier of the publisher he has no way of me stop, and I already have plans to expose myself to the public, not to mention that the college is private so everything is fine.

-- Are you sure about that?-- Asks Pietro.

-- Yes, and I will take Asriel, I have not been able to find a nanny yet, and I think Maria would not accept taking care of Asriel, she had to travel from the USA to here and is still teaching since she arrived, she will take the end of week and Monday to spare, my other friends are busy and-

-- What about Idols?-- He asks, referring to the girl's friends who became idols.

-- I don't know, Monday they have an interview.

-- Talk to them, I don't think anyone will be bothered, anything will start pumping the milk to keep in the bag.

-- Idiot.

-- Ah, I know you love me.

Helena smiles and hugs her cousin who hugs her back.