- Wait, what ?! Goddaughter? As well?
- Helena should not even have remembered to mention me. - He said huffing almost in anger, Asriel was laughing and struggling a little for the other who stretched his arms to the youngest, Hyun seeing the interaction extended the baby to the guy who picked her up. - Aren't you going to invite Helena's friend to come in? Or are you going to let me take Asriel for a day with Uncle Victor? -- The last sentence was directed at Asriel who laughed even louder.
- Please come in, I think you have something to talk to me about. - Hyun made room for the other to pass.
(Change of scene in the same scene)
- Do you prefer tea or coffee? - Asked Hyun from the kitchen, Helena's friend, Victor, was in the room sitting on the floor and playing with Asriel.
-- Coffee please.
Hyun poured two cups of coffee and went to the living room, depositing both with the pyres on the table, and then returned to the kitchen to heat Asriel's milk. Hyun still found it strange that Helena took milk to keep for Asriel, it was a strange thing to imagine.
Victor, however, still did not understand why her friend accepted that proposal, she never liked luxurious or extravagant things, she had always been a simple person who buys something when she thinks it is necessary. That house was totally the opposite of her tastes - Victor was even impressed that she hadn't convinced him to move to a simpler house - the house was a type of mini luxury mansion in a condominium of mini luxury mansions, the house there was no color at all, only black and white, another picture had a little color, the sofa was cream and the pillows in pastel colors, the carpet was gray and plush and the table was ebony, there were three action figures on the bookshelf that was under the TV that was attached to the wall. This was not a home made to raise children, it was just a home of a millionaire who squanders his money out there.
Hyun entered the room with the bottle in hand and sat on the sofa, Victor took the bottle from his hand and dripped a few drops of milk on the top of the hand measuring the temperature, so far so good ...
Until the black-haired one licked the milk in his hand and then took Asriel in his lap and started to breastfeed the baby.
-- What?!
- What, what?
-- Why did you do that?!
-- This what?
- You drank the milk that came out of Helena's chest!
-- What's the matter? It's just milk.
- That came out of your friend's breasts!
-- Yes it is...?
- And that's disgusting!
- No, it's good.
- Okay, I'm confused now.
- My God are you always that cool?
- How? - he asked indignantly.
- I don't even know how Helena accepted that shit proposal.
-- Don't swear in front of Asriel! -- He scolded and saw the understanding look on Victor's face.
- Okay, you are alike in that. - He said simplistically, watching Asriel finish the bottle.
-- Oh, ok then. - Hyun took Asriel on her lap and accompanied the other to the door.
Victor held Hyun's collar and pinned him against the wall, taking great care in the world not to hurt Asriel .-- Now, in case you happen to hurt Helena again in any way, or Asriel, if you happen to hurt both of them Anyway, anywhere, I will find you and I will end your race. - The English punch pressed with some force against Hyun's cheek.
- I-I-I-I u-und- understood...
Victor smiled, completely changing his face from dark to mild, it was official, even Helena's friends were bipolar, and that was scaring Hyun.
Victor left the door closing it behind him and Hyun let himself slide down the wall until he was sitting on the floor with a smiling Asriel on his lap.
-- I arrived! Hyun I hope you don't mind, Ariel and Fridda were at Maria's house so I could look after Asriel and I just picked them up there and-
Helena stopped in place, the two cat transport boxes on the floor, inside the red one was a white and yellow cat with a little bit of overweight, the yellow eyes were playful and childish; inside the green box there was a cat with a black blotch splitting the face in the middle, the green eyes always seemed to be judging everything with a bored expression.
Helena smiled widely as she closed the door and released the cats, approached the carpet cautiously and sat next to Hyun who was sleeping with an Asriel asleep in her lap. Helena made a light pat on the blond hair, then stopping it and raising her hand with a little hesitation, Helena observed Hyun's relaxed features, she hadn't stopped to notice the older one before and only now noticed the firm and beautiful features of his face, the button nose, the shape of the apples on the cheeks, the round chin, all sculpted in a more than perfect and attractive way, the brown and wavy strands cut like the hair of her favorite anime character, Levi Ackerman (let alone passage, if you were a person in real life you would have already requested a restraining order against Helena of at least 150 meters away from you). Helena with some fear put her hand on the top of Hyun's head making a light caress on the silky and soft locks, it was a nice feeling and the one with the blue eyes could stay there forever.
- Are you back yet? - Murmured Hyun making Helena startle and take her hand away.
- Yes ... They were quite quick classes.
Helena got up and went to the kitchen where she saw Ariel lying on the table, Helena smiled and petted the cat who gave a low whisper of discontent which made the woman laugh.
Helena turned on the capsule coffee maker by placing a large cup under it and depositing a cappuccino capsule in the capsule compartment, did all the standard procedure and turned on the coffee maker, sat on a chair supporting the arm on the table.
Hyun approached the kitchen with an Asriel asleep on her lap and sat facing Helena.
- Was it a difficult day? - Whispered not to wake Asriel, the tired expression on Helena's face was worrying.
-- A little, yes. -- He murmured, resting his face in his hand.
- And your maternity leave?
- Apparently this school is so snobbish that they weren't even thinking about giving me the license. - The low and tired voice conveyed a certain harmful calm for Hyun, it was something strange and cool. - But after watching the interview, they called me to negotiate the license.
-- And then?
- I said I would think, but it all depends on you Hyun.
-- Me? --He asked, placing his index finger on his chest.
- How long did you take on vacation?
- I was going to take only two months, but my brother said he would help me with the company so I put him in the position of CEO of both companies.
Helena smiled at the older man and stood up, took the cup from the coffee maker and sat down smiling again.
-- How much time?
- One year, and taking care of only extremely important things.
- Like the contract between our companies.
- Like the contract between our companies, - said Hyun, smiling too.
-- Then...
- Take two or three months, it's at your mercy.
Helena let out a low, subdued laugh, those months would be interesting.