i Genitori Sono Bipolari

Helena was really nervous, she walked from side to side in the room while trying to reason properly, she was talking to herself to try to put her ideas in place, because when she spoke out loud everything seemed to make sense.

- Asriel mom doesn't understand! Mom always wrote about adventures and unreachable romances, tragic romances and sometimes even romance had no! - Said a little too exasperated, her luck was that Hyun agreed to let the youngest put sound dampers in the room so as not to disturb him sleeping in case Asriel she wakes up in the middle of the night, because now besides being speaking in Portuguese she was talking loudly. You know, mother never really fell in love, ok I already had boyfriends and girlfriends and it was nice because they were nice people that I keep a friendship very good to this day, but mom is unaware of this overwhelming feeling that it seems that every time i'm close to him i'm going to vomit an entire forest of butterflies!