

<~*Chapter 6*~>

Scott sat wide-awake in his bedroom. He learned from Steve to block his souls' conversations so now his mind was peaceful, unlike always.

Yesterday was a nice day because he got to sleep, but he also acquired knowledge that could help him with the shadows. He just needs to do some more researching on his own.

Shadows have invaded the town and it's civilians' thoughts. And Scott plans to take them all down.

Although the situation is dire, Scott takes the time to enjoy the peace he was feeling. His silent room was relaxing, the sun's morning rays were blocked by Scott's black curtains but the small breakthrough allowed Scott to see his surroundings.

Before Scott's be consumed by the peace, he looked at his alarm clock to check the time. It was still early but if Scott wants to eat he thought he should get up now. So, he put on one of his favorite outfits, which consisted of a light brown hoodie, gray jeans, and black unbranded shoes.

Scott made his way out of his room and down into his kitchen, he grabs a granola bar and a small glass of milk. He takes his time although it wasn't much.

After he finishes, he hears his siblings rushing down the stairs.

"Oh, Scott. Are you ready to go?" Melanie asks, she seems worried from her tone of voice but Scott isn't sure.

"Yeah, I'm coming." He gets up from the kitchen table and walks to the front only to be questioned with worried stares.

"What's wrong?" Scott asks suspiciously.

"Scott.. Why did you pass out yesterday?" Matt asks, he looked Scott up and down to see if he looked sick.

"I don't know. Probably from lack of sleep, but who knows?" Scott says, walking past his siblings and exits the house.

"What do you mean? Have you not been sleeping well?" Melanie asks as she follows Scott out into the car.

"Look guys, I'm fine. No need to worry. It's a stressful time, but I'm fine." Scott says getting into the back and Matt getting in the driver's seat.

Melanie stands at the passenger's door, "you didn't deny it, Scott."

"I have been sleeping fine, I'm just stressed. Let's get to school." Scott says annoyed.

"Okay.. We're just worried." Matt says, like they haven't been rude to Scott for the past few years.

"Whatever." Scott angrily mumbles under his breath.

Melanie sits down quietly and Matt starts the car. They drive to school silently and Scott rushes to get out.

He goes to his amazing bathroom, hoping that no one else is there at the moment. But of course, someone is.

"Hello Scott." The amazing Grayson Kane greets Scott. Note the sarcasm there.

"What do you want?" Scott asks as he roles his eyes.

"Well, y'know. You kind of passed out in front of the whole school yesterday then ran away, I wanted to see if you were okay is all." Grayson says, looking Scott up and down.

"I'm fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to use the bathroom." Scott says, trying to move past Grayson.

"You don't pass out for no reason, so why did you?" Grayson says, blocking Scott from moving.

"Stress, I don't know. Move now." Scott says and tries to, once again, walk past Grayson only to get blocked.

Grayson wasn't big, but he wasn't small either. His essence is a werewolf and he's trained it since he was young, so he's strong, not as strong as Scott but strong nonetheless.

Now that Scott can see him more up close, he notices that he's not bad looking. Grayson has wavy brown hair, blue-ish green eyes and a tan skin tone. He has a sharp jawline and he was an inch or two taller than Scott.

Scott tries to maneuver his way around Grayson but to no avail. Grayson moves back and forth blocking Scott from accessing the bathroom stalls.

"Oh my god. Stop it." Scott says annoyed and finally pushes Grayson out of the way.

As soon as he touches Grayson, they both made a realization.




When a person is created, they have a pair that is supposed to fit perfectly with it. This is called a soulmate. And this works because of inner essence.

Your soul is always connected to your pair, unlike mates, where you find a mate to breed and have offspring to survive.

Your human soul, your inner essence, not your spiritual soul(s), is connected to that one other human soul. Sometimes there are more than one but usually it is only one soul connected to yours.

A soulmate is a mate, no matter what gender, religion, race, ect. The two, or more, souls are literally made for each other.

The soulmate will be with you until one of you die. Your feelings will never change for that person, you can be with others but without your soulmate you may feel incomplete and like you're doing something wrong.

After you or your soulmate die, the other will feel lost.

Some never meet their soulmate, only a mate to have children with. Some meet their soulmate late in life or early in life.

A soulmate will never change though, they will always be your soulmate, no matter what.

To find your soulmate, you have to touch and somehow form a bond beforehand.

It's very complicated, you may have touched your soulmate before but it has to be at the right moment when you find out.

Maybe it's life threatening or a big moment in one of your lives.

It could also be minor, like shaking hands for the first time or accidentally bumping into each other. But it is decided by what is happening at that moment, big or small.

Some may never know the feeling of finding a soulmate. You can love others, it wont be the same as a soulmate but it's still love.

At the moment of knowing who your soulmate is, it will be like a flip had been switched in your minds. Thinking will be difficult, and you'll rely on your instincts. When this happens, your soul has control of what you do, whether it be good or bad.

Love within soulmates is guaranteed. It may be right away, it may take years. But it will always end in love.




"What.." Grayson and Scott both stand frozen as they realize something very life-changing.

".. How? I-.. I don't know what to say.." Scott is like a fish out of water, tripping over all of his words.

"I have no clue.. Uhm, what? I- this is.. what?" Grayson appears the same.

"So.. We-.. What do we say in this situation..?" Grayson calms down and tries to form a proper sentence.

"I- uhm, I don't know.." Scott says awkwardly.

"We.. As in you and me," Grayson says, pointing back and forth at him and Scott, "are soulmates?"

"Uhm.. Yes? I- I dont know.." Scott gets super nervous, and backs up.

Grayson looked saddened by that but didn't do anything to stop Scott. Scott's emotions were all over the place. Scott had definitely thought about his soulmate, but he has had more pressing matters to worry about, and he never would have thought he would meet his soulmate at eighteen years old.

"How though..? We- I, you... What?" Scott is still thinking of all the weird explanations.

He thinks they could be wrong about what they felt. Maybe it was just a bro-moment between friends? Or maybe a feeling of loathing for the other? Not a moment of realization between soulmates, right?

Scott's thoughts ran a million miles per hour although his souls voices were completely gone.

"Do you.. Do you want to talk about this, like after school?" Grayson says, trying to break the awkwardness.

"Uh- yes.. Later. Talk. You and me. Where?" Scott asks, still super nervous.

"At the park.. Downtown by the cafe?" Grayson says.

'Interesting choice', Scott thinks.

"Uh, s-sure.." Scott says, no longer needing to go to the bathroom.

"Ok.. Today at what time?" Grayson asks, with a nervous but bubbly attitude.

"Uh, we'll go right after school so, I'll meet you at the front gate.." Scott says, to which Grayson nods his head.

"Okay, I'll see you then.." Grayson says staring at Scott for a moment. The bell snaps Scott back to life and Grayson turns away.

They both walk out of the bathroom silently, then realize they have literally all of their classes together.

"Well.." Scott laughs awkwardly and slowly moves to his seat. Grayson does the same.

Scott silently prays for the day to go by slowly so he can think.