
Let's Run Away

<~*Chapter 10*~>

Scott is pretty sure he's panicking at this point.

He's managed to avoid his siblings for the past few days.

On top of the perfect way Scott handled the situation with his siblings, there's a new problem that involves everyone in Erebus. The Demon King has left the underworld, and he's been missing for a day or two. At least, as far as anyone knows. But Scott has a suspicion that he's been missing for a while.

Everyone in Erebus is going crazy, even if schools and businesses are still working, people have been extremely worried and running all over the place. The secret organization of people working for the demon king have been wandering about, searching for any clues. Now their secret organization is no longer secret. Scott has seen several of these people way before this incident, but now he feels like he's seen more than he could in a lifetime.

The Demon King being missing isn't a huge problem, there are others who work in the underworld to bring order but.. They're not doing their jobs correctly, most likely due to the worry of the Demon king being gone.

And this brings up the situation Scott's in. Due to the fact that the underworld's workers are not keeping the imprisoned creatures in line, a few have escaped and are hiding in the strangest of places. One of these creatures being Umbra, if you even take a glimpse into one person's mind you find on the street, you'll see a shadow in their soul.

And right now, since the Demon King is not there to order his men to do their jobs, everything has fallen onto Scott's shoulders as he sees the 17th shadow since he got to school, which was 2 hours ago.

The shadows have also gone crazy because some are not even looking for a soul, they're wandering around aimlessly doing who knows what.

But for some horrible, horrible reason, the shadows are gathering at the school. And guess what? No one else can see them but demons! Therefore, and just a reminder, demon essence users usually stay down with the Demon King, so unless one decides to come to school today, no one but Scott will see them.

Scott is furious, 'What are these things doing?'

Scott has tried his best to kill every single one he sees but some just fly right past him into a room where no one is allowed. Scott wants to know why no one, not even the teachers, are allowed in that room.

He has skipped all of his classes since he got to school, avoiding every single person he knows with his telepathy, he can trick their minds into not seeing him, almost like invisibility. He's basically breaking the law at this point, just to kill these things but if they keep going in that room, he's going to go in too, then he'll be breaking another rule.

Luckily, so far, no one has asked Scott what he's doing, walking around the school looking like a maniac. His eyes are darting everywhere, peering into people's minds and looking to see if there are any shadows in them.

More and more keep coming, draining Scott's energy as he kills another one. "How I've managed to break things all around the school without anyone noticing? I've got no clue."

But alas, he mumbled that too soon as he sees a teacher walk down the hallway looking furious.

"Scott Powers to the principal's office, immediately!" The teacher shouts and glares at Scott like he's nothing but a pest. And that's one of the nicest teachers at his school. He should've used telepathy on them too.

Scott knew he couldn't protest, so quietly and carefully, he turns and walks down the hallways. Searching for the shadows still, he sees no more.

He's thankful there were no more on his way to the office.

He walks in, not feeling guilty in the slightest, 'cause he shouldn't be. He just saved many people from being possessed but too bad no one knows anything like he does.

"Scott.." The principal starts, gritting her teeth, "What gave you the idea to go around the school acting like a mad person and start breaking things while you mumble incoherent words?"

Scott really doesn't know what to say, if he tells the truth, the principal won't believe him. If he lies and says he did it for fun, that could mean serious trouble. He could always use his powers to make everyone forget but what good would that do if they were all going to figure out anyway?

So, he chose the most logical answer: teleport to the forbidden room while the principal is sat in shock.

Great choice, except for the fact he'll be in even bigger trouble later and now he's surrounded by shadows.

But what concerns Scott the most is that the room is completely normal. Why keep everyone out of a storage room? Just why?

The shadows don't move an inch. Not even when Scott kills one, its like the shadows have been paralyzed.

Scott feels there is something going on that he should know about.

And speaking of this unknown-ness, Steve decides to add some insight.

'This room was made by the Demon King, everyone was told to stay out but they didn't know why. No one has ever gone in except for the weird secret organization. This room can make shadows come here to trap them and slowly kill them but it takes several years and most shadows can escape so just kill all the ones in here.' Steve says, explaining all he knows about the room.

'Oh, okay then..' Scott says, though he is still confused to why there is a room like this if it isn't very affective.

Scott kills all the shadows before his energy is almost completely drained. He almost passes out after he kills the last one and is barely able to move.

He has the energy to read some people's minds throughout the school to know that the teachers are looking for him.

But for now, Scott has found his knew secret hide out.




Scott accidentally fell asleep..

And when he woke up, he realized he was still in the mysterious room. No more shadows had shown up, he doesn't know if that's a good or bad thing though.

One more thought comes into his mind, 'what time and day is it?'

It seems there are teachers and students in the school so it could be the next day or right after school. Scott hopes for the latter.

He hears the students voices, wait, is that Grayson's voice he hears?

'He's been missing for two days! What am I supposed to do, not freak out?' Grayson shouts in his head to his werewolf soul, Scott now knows how long he's been passed out for.

Scott has learned more about the souls, creepy voices, and from Steve's description, normally, essence users don't get to talk to their souls unless the person was trained or had some strange traumatic incident that caused the soul(s) to awaken. In Scott's case it was the latter, but for Grayson's it was most likely from training. He is from a famous pack, after all.

Back to the topic at hand, Grayson is looking for Scott and seems extremely worried for his soulmate.

'Uh oh.' Scott thinks as he can hear Grayson coming closer down the hall and he's not alone.

For some reason, there is a whole group of students and two teachers searching the entire school for Scott.

To say Scott is surprised is an understatement.

The group consists of Grayson Kane, Scott's soulmate. Then we have Samuel and Denise Ferguson, they're twins and almost look exactly the same with dark black hair, galactic purple eyes, but Samuel is taller and more buff looking while Denise is tiny. They're Grayson's best friends and can usually be seen with him.

Along with those three, Hannah Chief, Matt Harrison, and Melanie Powers, people he's known for a long time. His ex-best friend and his siblings.

Next to Matt is Jayden Clarke, his best friend. And lastly, Phyn Ellis and Kirsten Ozonad, Scott's favorite teacher and principal.

This is definitely an odd group of people. Scott also realizes that all of these people are werewolves and are using their senses to find him.

'Time to panic-' Scott thinks but then calms down.

They can't go in a forbidden room that has been locked up by the Demon King, right?

'Wrong.' Steve says being very helpful in Scott's situation.

And as if on cue, Grayson barges into the room despite hearing the protests of the other group members.

Scott feels dread seep into his bones as he looks up from the ground to the new broken door.

Grayson notices Scott on the ground, he's immediately shocked but recovers quickly to rush over.

"Scott, are you okay?" Grayson asks as Scott hurries to sit up. Scott knows he's a pale person but he can literally feel the blood drain from his face, he's as white as a banshee. At least banshees are pretty...

Scott can't teleport now, he should've before but now it's too late.

Well, technically it's not, he could but then a lot of people would be freaking out.

"Y-Yes, I'm fine." Scott rushes out of his mouth, trying not to sound too panicked.

"Scott!? What are you doing in this room?" Mr. Ellis asks, still standing by the door along with the furious looking principal. The poor kids who tagged along stare dumbfoundedly at the others from behind.

Matt and Melanie rush in, "Scott, what the hell!?" They have been searching for Scott for days, they have so many questions and not enough answers. When Scott sees them he feels extremely guilty for abandoning them and their questions but he panicked, and is still panicking.

This is a moment when Scott feels so overwhelmed that his mind wanted to subconsciously release his feelings, by accidentally exploding a box(A few boxes..) of documents. Ripped and charred pieces of papers go flying and everyone jumps.

"Woah!" Grayson grabs Scott quickly moving him out of the way, probably thinking more things would explode.

"How in the world.." Someone shouts, staring at the papers falling.

The pages slowly fell and anxious silence filled the group while Scott tries to think of a plan.

"So.." Scott says, stretching out the 'o' and everyone looks at him, almost begging with their eyes for him to give them an answer.

"Scott, we need to talk. Right now." Matt says, still slightly spooked by the fire.

"Well, the thing is.." Scott starts talking, slowly to buy himself some time.

But then, again, he thinks the most logical answer is to teleport away. And what does he do? He followed his amazing plan and teleported to the best place he could think of: his bedroom.

He just has the best plans in the world because he definitely didn't forget to check if anyone was in his room before he teleported there. He also didn't panic when teleporting and accidentally teleport Grayson with him.

'Well this is even worse than where I was before!' Scott thinks as he looks at his mother and his step-father.

"Well, didn't mean to do that.." Scott says to the people with their mouths open in shock.

"Wait.. You.. What did you even do?" Grayson asks, Scott knows he can't do that again and leave his soulmate with so many questions.

But that doesn't mean he can't leave his family to have their questions.

"Hold on.." Scott grabs Grayson's hand and waves to his parents. Then he immediately teleports away.