
Noxious Waters

<~*Chapter 20*~>

While entering the portal in Olylna and exiting the portal in Thyla, Scott experienced no strange visions nor any statues speaking to him. It was an average portal travelling experience.

The portal in Thyla was identical to the one in Bolin that led back to Olylna; dark blue and moving like ocean waves with a golden frame. But unlike the portal in Bolin, the portal in Thyla was inside of a building. It was completely different from the church-like place in Olylna. The walls had paintings of magic and people unknown to Scott. There were no windows and few doors. It felt like a museum when Scott saw statues of people rather than just the makara guards.

Sir Draek came out of the portal a minute after Scott.

Grayson immediately asks, "what is this place?"