It was a Sunday morning, and I had the day off which put me in a tight spot as the last thing I would want is for Minerva to drop by my doorstep. And as if on cue, I heard knocks on my door. I reluctantly got up to see who it was, my heartbeat stronger than the one before it. I held the knob with my eyes freezing and wet. I held by breath as I turned it.
To my surprise, it was Joe. I let out a quiet sigh of relief, but Barry peeked from the left side in a creepy manner, I almost hit him. Joe raised an eyebrow, and I gestured her to come inside. I stopped Barry by the doorway and asked, "What the hell are you doing here?"
He smirked and said, "I'm here to check up on my best friend . . .seeing that he wasn't himself these past few days. I figured that something was up, and I wanna know."
My first reflex was to give Joe a sideways glance. She looked at me back as if to say “Don’t you dare bring it up now.”