Smithereens. Chapter 02.

"Goodbye, Sofia." -Said the girl with straight black hair in front of her without any hint of sadness. "I will leave here, my parents will move."

Those words felt like a dagger piercing her chest. She couldn't believe it, the only person who had approached her at that school was leaving and walking away forever.

Her only friend.

Unfortunately for her, the blurry vision she had -from the tears streaming from her eyes- didn't help at all, it made her look like a small bird wounded by a bullet. Then her friend disappeared through the classroom door. Her fear came true from one second to the next.

Call her stubborn or something like that, but she didn't give up hope of seeing her again and regaining the friendship she was losing. However, she did not see her the following year and neither did the years after that. It was hard for her to meet other people and make friends after that goodbye.

And that was the worst, she was alone when she left. But loneliness was in the past when she walked through the door of his room. Oh, they were there, waiting for her. Too many voices for a small body and too much noise to keep sanity steady. She felt like she was going to go crazy if she kept listening to them, but there was nothing she could do. Mom didn't want to let her sleep with her and the living room sofa was very uncomfortable. So she reluctantly had to get used to it and cover her ears with the pillow when she listened to them.

"Get out!" -She screamed. "Leave me alone!"

Salty tears rolled down the rosy cheeks and they laughed. Over time she discovered that they loved to see her cry while she hated it. There were so many things that she hated and that they loved, and they always reminded her of that as soon as she set a foot inside the room. She saw them in the distance from her bed, moving through the darkness of the night while they smiled morbidly at her crying. The strange and inexplicable thing was that she could not see them in the day -or when there was any light in the room, no matter how tiny- they only existed at night and when her mother left the room. An idea invaded her mind and her face lit up. She reached out her arm and lit the unicorn-shaped lamp by her bed. Then she just smiled, her face still wet.

-Stupid! Let's go, guys, leave her alone. You're just a fucking loser!

A large tall black bundle moved through the darkness and crept through the closet door, slamming it shut.


Then it was followed by a medium lump that entered between the holes that were there.


Then the smaller bundle did the same as the two largest. And it disappeared into the closet.

At least tonight she would sleep like a baby.