Doctor Choi. Chapter 1.

Sometimes an unexpected visitor comes into our lives. No, it is not about the visit of a relative or someone extremely important, but it is about the arrival of something strange, and quite complex. Hard to understand.

It is the visitation of a specter that appears in our lives as a surprise. A very bad taste surprise. It is about the visitation of death. Visit that is difficult to prevent at all costs in our lives. But sooner or later it will come, it is only a matter of time for that to happen.

When Dr. Choi arrived at the hospital where she worked, she wanted to laugh at how ironic it all seemed to her. It was true that she treated patients every day, and it was also true that she was in charge of saving their lives on some occasions, but she never believed that one day the one who would be treated in the emergency room would be her beloved daughter, Clara Choi.

She walked at the moment the clear glass doors opened for her thanks to the sensor.