Doctor Choi. Chapter 5

At this point in the recruitment, Dr. Choi's fingers tapped on the wood as she carefully looked at the crumpled papers that lay on her desk. The laboratory where she worked was beginning to fill with darkness —typical of the night— and the winter cold, which ruled every inch of the mountainous exterior. Only the faded glow from an old lamp allowed Yang Mi to read what was written in the documents.

Her tired eyes caught each phone number as if it were the essential oxygen that her nostrils inhaled. She did not hesitate for a second to look away —decorated with deep circles under her eyes— from the numerical figures corresponding to Teresa Belsunce and Alicia Turpin. However, both she and her cloning project were aware that two women would not be enough. It would not be enough, and on the contrary, it would be impossible to carry out the pertinent procedure that supposed the growth of the clones of her daughter.