
I turn around and find a Fartello standing behind me. It looks into my full bowl and then back at me. I look away from it as I don't like this creatures and want no form of direct contact or interaction with any of them.

It suddenly takes hold of my bowl and tilts it into Gabbys bowl. A little but odd starring contest is held between them for a few seconds and then it walks away. I notice Gabby tensen in her seat and then she begings to discharge the aura of discomfort.

I begin to fundle with my hands under the table. I keep looking around at people who are busy eating in silence and some who are done with their.. Food.~honestly, how are they consuming this!?

I keep looking around till my gaze again falls on Desmond who is apperantly done with his meal and was resting majestically in his seat his metal dancing between his fingers. His gaze is glued to me. Goodness knows for how long he had been starring. He doesn't seem to care that I know he is starring as he doesn't avert his gaze. ~What's up with his over priced attitude anyways!?

My throat begins to sting from thirst. I look down at the metal cup before me. I reluctantly pick it up and first bring it up to my nose. I sniff it to check for any fowl smell but to my surprise the water smells pure. After a few seconds of mental counseling, I bring the cup to my lips and take a little sip.

This water is the best I have ever had. The water feels smooth and serene. It's flawless and faultless. After I see the water is pure, I proceed to taking bigger swigs till the cup is empty. I drop the metal cup back on the table with a sigh of satisfaction.

And to avoid further discomfort, I choose to pay no attention to Desmonds stare although I can strongly feel it.

Soon enough, the sound of a loud metal gong is heard again and everyone stops eating. They all begin to rise to their feets and I do same.

Suddenly, everyone in a sync speaks; "Thanks for the meal Madre".

I can't see the front through the crowd of tall people standing. So I can't tell if the white witch. ~ sorry, Madre is standing there. But their clearly forced appreciation is met with dead silence.

Soon they all form two different lines. One for the boys and the other for the girls. One thing I've learnt about this place is girls and guys really do keep their distance.

Gabby and Tori stand behind me and the line begins to move. I follow the crowd till we are lead into a huge space. Everyone then splits up to meet their friends and I am left alone.

I seat on a bench that I find vacant somewhere in the middle of the room.

"Mind if we join you? " I hear. I look up to find Gabby and Tori standing beside me. Gabby really is a gem of a person.

They both seat and Tori says to me. "You're from a wealthy home right? " I look up at her with questioning eyes. How did.. I mean why is she asking?.

"The dress.its made of really quality and expensive fabric" she replies starring at my white but dirty dress which I refused to change.

"Well its.... It's not really that expensive.. It" I begin to sutter as I have no idea how to respond to this.

"Trust me, I know expensive when I see it. " she remarks smirking. What does she mean?.

My stomach stings and I quickly hold on to it letting out a little grunt.

"Are you alright? " Tori asks to my surprise.

"My all go... " I make to reply but the sharp pain gives me no choice but to groan in pain.

"You don't look too good. Lemme get you some water. " Gabby says as she stands up.

"Tori? " she asks and Tori instantly stands up. Clearly Gabby and Tori are a pair.

I keep holding on the my stomach that's stinging from ulcer and I keep taking in deep breaths to manage the pain.

Soon the pain dies down just a bit. A song comes to my mind. My mum loves it alot and sings it alot of times too. My family isn't really the churchy type, but my mom is In love with this song.

I let my lips open and the melodious words flow out my lips. The same words that remind me of home. I close my eyes and picture my mother singing it as I sing the words.

"I'm no longer a slave to fear, I am a child of God. I'm no longer a slave to sin, I am a child of God. "

I keep singing to my hearing and entertainment in a low voice till something strange happens. The room is somehow flooded with silence. I open my eyes and find everyone around glaring at me. The look of amusement on the face of some and the look of fear on some.

I suddenly hear deep growling. I look up at where the sound is coming only to find a fartello flying swiftly towards me. Next thing I know, I am slicing through the air.

My back and head come in harsh contact with a wall and my vision instantly blurs.

Ugh death, please come take me now!