Moi Focolare;.

I soon fall asleep on Gabbys shoulder. I feel a light throb and I open my eyes slightly. I don't for know how long i slept. But now, the sky outside is dark. My vision is a bit blur but I know my head is against a bench. I find Gabby and Desmond standing a few feets away from me.

"How is she?. What was wrong? " Desmond asks.

"We don't know, she refused to say if something was wrong. Perhaps she had health issues before coming in. " Gabby replies.

"That's impossible. Madre would have known." Desmond replies.

"It could have gotten worse when she got here. Or maybe after how you treated her. You were quite rude." Gabby replies nervously as she fiddles with her fingers and stares at her feets.

Desmond says nothing but eyes her from head to toe with a look that can be linked to spite.

He turns to look at me and I quickly shut me eyes.

"Keep a close eye on her and make sure nothing bad happens to her." He commands as he turns to leave.

"And be sure to inform me if something does go wrong." He instructs.

He turns around to take another look at me and I quickly shut my eyes again.

"Yes sir... Ma'am..bro... I mean, sure thing." Gabby replies nervously before clearing her throat. It takes alot of will power to avoid laughing. A snicker comes out and I stylishly turn it into a cough and adjust abit to avoid blowing my cover.

I hear him walk away and i feel Gabby gently sit beside me and place my head on her laps with much care. Gabby is such a nice person. I hear footsteps approaching.

"She's still asleep?" I hear Toris voice question.

"She still is. I fear her health is worse than she makes us think." Gabby replies gently stroking my hair.

"Hmm. She might need Madres help." Tori says.

"She needs it; but she doesn't want it. " Gabby replies.

"Sturbon hun?. I like her. " Tori comends.

"Where were you?" Gabby asks changing the topic.

"I was busy. " Tori replies as she takes a seat beside Gabby.

"Sure" Gabby replies plainly.

They keep quiet for a while and I keep listening to the continuous murmurs of different people discussing different things.

And soon Gabby and Tori begin discussing things about the Fartellos and mansion. Things and name that make no sense to me.

I keep listening till I fall asleep again.

The ear pricing sound of a metal gong startels me.

"Oh.. It woke you... It's dinner time." Gabby says to me as I open my eyes.

"Mm" I reply as I sit up. I hear my stomach rumble and Gabby does too. Causing her to start laughing.

"You better feed those worms" Gabby remarks as she rises to her feets and holds out her hand for me.

"Depends on what you're asking me to feed them. " I reply taking her hand as I rise.

Tori just stands silently beside us with another girl beside her. Her face looks familiar.. Yes!... She is the girl who sat beside Tori during lunch.

We soon join the line and everyone starts moving.

"Feeling better now?" Gabby asks in a hushed tune.

"Yeah." I reply in an equally hused tune. I know deep down I am not okay. My stomach stings and my ulcer is knocking furiously on the walls of my stomach. If I don't consume food soon, i might suffer a sever ulcer attack.

I suddenly feel someone grab and squeeze my left ass chick. I turn around in shock but the person behind me is Tori's friend who returns my shocked glare with a blank stare. Did she just do that or twas simeone else!?

This shit isn't funny!. I keep walking in silence but this time in a faster pace. I don't want to create another scene.

After a long and tiering walk, and also using Gabbys shoulder as support, we finally approach the huge door of the dinning room.

With Gabby infront of me and Tori and her friend behind me, we move to a table and we take our seats.

Gabby beside me and Tori and her friend sitting opposite us. This looks like where we sat earlier but I don't feel like asking so I remain silent.

The Fartellos soon come about with stone bowls, wooden spoons and metal cups. I look into my bowl and I lose my already lost appetite. In the bowl rests a bed of grass. It looks like I have a chuck of my schools football field in my bowl.

"Ugh! " I mutter silently.

"Come on, try it. It's not as bad as the last one. We call this green salad. It's cooked and salted grass." Gabby persuades and informs.

"Yeah.. I don't think I'm consuming that." I reply as I pick up the metal cup and drink of it's pure water.

"But I heared your stomach growling. You don't wanna get an ulcer do you? " Gabby ask in concern and I simply smile at her. Little does she know, I already have ulcer and its about to go beyond my endurance level.

I swish the water about in my mouth as I have nothing to do. I keep swishing and looking around till my eyes fall on Desmond who is glaring at me with a questioning look. I quickly swallow the water in my mouth and almost chock. Then I look away and do not look in that direction again.

After a few minutes, Tori suddenly moves in her seat and moans and she, Gabby and Tori's friend quickly look up at each other in sync. The look of shock and alarm plastered on each persons face. ~ what's going on?

Tori slowly turns to look at me and then faces her food and continues eating. So does her friend. Gabby looks at me and flashes a nervous smile before digging into her... ~food.

I push my bowl to Tori smiling and she looks up at me with a pricy expression. She then pushes it back to me.

Gabby looks up at me and I see fear written all over her. He gaze fixed on something behind me. I slowly turn and find a fartello standing behind me. It walks over to Gabby and looks into her bowl. It looks in mine and then looks up at Gabby.

She gulps hard and I sense an eye communication between them. After a few awkward seconds of silence, the fartello walks away.

"What's up with him? " I ask in a low tune.

"I.. I don't know" Gabby replies neverously and in fear.

I finish the water in my cup and I hear the sound of the metal gong. They all stand up in sync and I follow suit. I see Tori adjusting her trouser and I look away. Once again the show their 'appreciation'. ~ do know that that's, in air coat.

I join the long line of people exiting the room. Once at the door, a fartello suddenly grabs my arm. I take a sharp inhale in fear and shock.

"Don't worry, today's the last time. From tommorow, you get to share a room with us. " Gabby whispers in my ear and I understand. The fartello then begins to pull on my arm and the dreadful journey to my personal prison begins.

Once in my dark cell ~The same room I woke up in when i first got here; I walk over to the bed and throw myself on it tummy down. My stomach is aching and my legs are sore from so much walking. My tiered eyes as well. I wonder if my parents have the slightest clue where I am.


The cold breeze in my face, clinging tightly to my bare arms. My palms wrapped around my torso in an attempt to keep me warm. Tears streaming down my face as memories of Harry's cruel betrayal flood my mind. Of all days, he chose my birthday to hurt me.

My red pumps creating a gentle click sound with every contact it made with the tarred road. Creating the only sound the night breeze brings to my ears. Asides my sobs and the distant barks of the neighborhood dogs.

My third sense is sudden activated as I sense I'm being followed. I smell danger. Walking alone on such desolate streets doesn't seem like the best idea I could have come up with. I wasn't thinking straight when I made that choice. I should have called Mr. Simon my driver to come get me!.

This creepy feeling becomes more intense and I decide to do the one thing I know I'm good at; run!.

I throw my purse and phone away as I begin to run in frenzy. I feel something hot on my trail, when I look back, all I see is dark fog. The more reason to run faster.

The road fairly lit by moonlight, my heart in my mouth and prayers of help and mercy escaping my lips.

Finally, I hear music playing from loud speakers. I'm close to civilization!.

I keep running frantically. One of my heels gone. Soon I see a club in sight with a few people outside. I begin to scream for help when a figure suddenly appears before me. In fear, I make to run in the opposite direction but another figure is behind me.

Next thing I know; i'm surrounded by darkness.


I jolt forward in fear as part of the memories from the night I was captured reply in my head as a nightmare. Tears in my eyes and body drenched in sweat.

But what sucks air out of my lungs is what I come face to face with as I open my eyes!.