Narrow Escape

That familiar, uncomfortable swelling feeling right above my 'V' creeps unto me and then i realize I'm pressed. I fu*king need to pee.

I feel my bladder swell and if I try to hold it any longer, I just might end up wetting my bed or getting my bladder to explode!!

"Gabby! " I call in a hused tune as I desperately need the loo. I chose to call the one person I can call a friend here.

"Gabby! " I call again as she didn't hear me the first time. She just rolls in her bed this time and my bladder isn't helping me in anyway to stay calm.

"Gabby!! " I call this time in a more audible tone and this startels her. She sits up in fear.

"What.. What.. Where.. " she begins to panic in fear.

"Hey, it okay, it's.. Its me. I really need the loo. " I inform her and she calms down.

"Ugh! A number one or number two? " she questions in relief.

"A really bad number one."_I reply fighting the serious urge to pee. I guess drinking water alone for the past two days wasn't such a good idea!

"Come on then. Lucky for you, the restroom is just a stone throw away" she says hoping out of her bed and I do the same..

We quietly exit the room and we walk in the passage lit with the orange flame from the candels. Just as she had said, we soon getting the restroom. Much to my surprise, there is a quite clean room with a few pretty clean WC's. ~how in fu*ks name can they keep the restroom clean, but not the bathroom!!?

I get into the room and bend over one that I feel is clean enough and Gabby turns her back to me. After a few seconds;

"Done? " she asks.

"Yeah." I reply as I walk up to her.

"Thanks. " I appreciate as we walk out of the rest room..

"Nah... Its nothing" she replies with a little shurg.

"Tell me, how old are you? " she suddenly asks.

"I'm just nineteen" I reply with a small smile.

"Me too. " Gabby replies with her ever beautiful smile.

"What month? " This month I reply.

"Wow.... Same as Tori! But mine's next month though. " she sequels.

"Its almost like we are sist... " she begins but stops abruptly when we hear a fartellos voice of command.

"Where are you both coming from!? " it questions.

We both turn to find the hooded freak floating above us.

"T... The....restroom." Gabby manages to reply in fear.

"Get back to your hall! " he commands and Gabby and I make to walk away.

"Not you! " It commands. I for a fact know it's me its talking to. This must be the freak from last night.

"M.. Me? " Gabby questions in fear.

"No! " it replies sharply and Gabby makes a run for it.

Here I am, proberbly at midnight, in a passage way all alone with a paranormal freak that seems to seek my virginity.

"We had an appointment! " I hear again in my head. Why the telepathic thing!?.

"Why were you absent!? " it questions in obvious anger.

"If you know what's good for you freak, you'd keep your distance and stay clear of me. You have no idea what I would do to you if you try what you did last night again!" I wran pointing at this creature which I know poses more power than I do.

"Should I fear thee?? " its asks in what seems like mockery as it finally ascends and decides to use its feets.

"No!. Fear the god in me and the God with me! " I reply sharply. ~what the fu*k does that even mean!?, Sonia have you lost it!?.

"What god!? " the fartello questions as it suddenly minimizes the gap between us. It's horrid smell attacking my poor nose again.

"Stay the fu*k away. I'm warning you! " I scream as I push it with all my might. It slides away from me and flies back at me pinning me to the wall.

"Silence! " it barks and my head begins to ache. Why the hell did it have to scream so loud while communicating telepathically!?

"S.. Stay away! " I begin to panic when I feel its warm, discomforting breath on my neck.

"I'm warning you! Madre would hear of this! " I begin to warn with tears in my eyes as it takes hold of both my hands.

"Stop! " I scream in fear and dismay when I feel its rough, slimy tounge on my neck.

"Stop me. " it teases and my tears begin to pour endlessly. What's going on!?. What the fu*k is going on!?... This isn't happening. Not again.. No...

"Stop. " I say this time not knowing if I'm commanding, begging or warning. Tears escaping my eyes. My courage failing me. I feel its claws slowly dig into the flesh of my arms and I can't help but release a stiffled scream. I try to scream but my voice can't go high. Despite how hard I try.

"Don't bother" it says and my heart bursts. God, if you really are real, do something!! Please!!

"Fartello! " I suddenly hear a familiar voice call. I look up to find Desmond standing in the passage way glaring at the fartello. The horrid creature let's go of me in fear. Without thinking, I run towards Desmond in fear and wrap my arms around him. Tears escaping my eyes and i find it difficult to breathe.

"How dare you!?" Desmonds pure British accent queries wity much authority.

"Be gone with you! Madre would address this!" Desmonds commands and the fartello swiftly flies away.

"Are you alright? " Desmond asks cupping my face with his hands.

I can't help but cry. Desmond just might be my guardian angel, he has saved me time and time again and I can't help but feel indepthed to him. What would have happened if he didn't come to my aid!?... I... I would.. I would have been..

"Deborah!? " he questions in worry and I can't bring myself to speak through my tears and hiccups. I simply wrap my arms around him again and tears pour endlessly. My nose begins to leak blood and I wipe it off with the arm of my sweater.

I'm in full panic mode. What was just about to happen!?.

"Deborah, you need rest. We would talk tomorrow. " he says as he watches me wipe my tears and blood. He holds my shoulders and leads me to the entrance of the female hall.

I walk in trembling and make it to my bed. Tears pouring out of my eyes. Gabby is still worried and wide awake in her bed. As soon as she sights me, she questions in alarm.

"Sonia!? What happened!? "