
Desmonds POV;

My heart pops when I hear madre speak these words. Deborah has leukemia!? But she never sounded, acted or even looked sick. How can this be!?.

I know for a fact that Madre can cure Deborah but the freak show has a mental flip in her brain that goes flip flop at will. I can't be too sure she'd save Deborah. She might have other crazy plans.

"You'll fix her right? " I ask to assertain Deborahs fate.

"Sure. I can't let this rare gem go to waste like that" Madre replies.

I have no idea what this bitch sees in Deborah but I don't care as long as it's not a danger to Little Miss Classy. She said the same thing about me the first few days I came in. She still does though but I don't give a fuck.

I watch madre stand beside the bed and run her palms over Deborah. Some sort of light beam comes out of her hand and unto the girl on the bed. This isn't the first time I'm seeing Madre fix someone with.. Well.. Whatever power she has. Madre finally drops her hands and sighs.

"Is she fine? " I question.

"Her leukemia is history but the ulcer stays. "Madre replies.

I knew this bitch was never going to act normal. Why in fucks name would she leave the ulcer!?. I stay silent and glare at her with questioning eyes. If I show too much concern, I just might be endangering Deborah.

"Her ulcer would force her to eat and adapt to the foods we eat here. " Madre replies. ×You know, for an immortal being, madre is quite stupid!.

"She hasn't had anything but water in the past three days. If you think leaving her this way would do some good, you might as well just return the leukemia cause your not so clever plan would end up killing her! " I reply sharply. And Madre smirks.

"I love when you get fired up Desmond, but not all that. I have reduced the severity of her ulcer. I'm not taking it away! " madre replies. There's no use arguing with this rootless creep.

"Get her something's to eat! " she orders and the fartellos by the door instantly exit the room. They soon return with trays of rotten fruits and slimy greens. ×slimy greens is something we kids at the mansion have learnt to consume. It tastes like slim and salt. It also has a disgusting green color and let's not even discuss it's odur. Even I don't know what it's made of.

"Stop!" I order the fartellos and they obey.

"Is this what you want to feed her!? I want ripe fruits right this instance and they better not have bugs or worms in them! " I command. They look over to Madre and she gives a slight nod in agreement.

"Why so much care for this new girl my prince? " Madre asks me as soon as the fartellos exit the room. I can't admit to this bitch that I fear someone whom I can protect die again under my watch. Else she might just use it to taunt me.

And if I make Madre for an instant think I have any sort of feelings for Little Miss Classy, I would be putting her life at risk!

"She has ulcer, you don't want to lose a rare gem, I want to successfully conclude being her guardian and as a mother I believe you want your newest child to be healthy and fit. Hence my order for better food for her. " I reply lieing calmly.

"Hmm. " she replies and then moves out of the room. I really hope she bought that.

Soon, Brayan the second oldest child in the mansion and the highest fartello. ×Madres personal handbag walks into the room.

Brayan and I don't talk much. Brayan is a very silent person and I don't blame him. To get that much attention from Madre, you would have to pay a very heavy price. A price that can change ones entire being. A price I'm not willing to go explain now.

He walks over to the bed and I watch him stare at Deborah for a few seconds.

"What's wrong? " he finally questions.

"Leukemia" I reply sharply.

"Fixed? " he questions.

"Yes. " I reply bluntly and he exits the room. This seconds limited conversation leaves me puzzled. Since when did Brayan care about new intakes??

I saw him talking to Deborah yesterday also. What's going??.

I hear Deborah grunt and hold her head as she makes to sit up. I remain motionless staring at her.

"W..What happened? " she questions as soon as she sees me.

"You fainted" I reply running my sharp nails through my slightly itchy hair.

"Where am I? " she question looking around the huge room.

"Madres chamber. " I reply bluntly.

"What!?... Why!? " she questions.

"She saved you. " I reply.

"What!? I told you i want no form of help from these people. I was and am fully capable of handling my ulcer! " she begins to rant.

×So much for saving a life. Of all the thing she could be, she just had to be a little bag of annoyance and trouble!?

She keeps ranting and I can't take it anymore.

"She saved you from leukemia! " I sream at the petite body of annoyance and attitude named Deborah who is currently about to eat my ears off with her words.

Her jaw drops and shock is written all over her. She looks like someone who just got stabed in the stomach.×Did I do the right thing dropping such a bomb on her like that?